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27. In Sickness And In Health
SEASON 04 EPISODE 02/03/05

A wave of sickness overcame me when my eyes opened in the morning. It was all happening the stages— throughout night, too. The first thing was, too hot, too cold, where my blanket had to come on and off several times during my sleep. Then, the sniffles; mucus building in my nose while also pouring from it, making me sniffle and wipe my hand under my nose. Lastly, was a booming headache that wouldn't go away.

It wasn't as bad as it felt, particularly something you would catch after standing in the rain, or being around someone sick, or something.

I stand in an empty bathroom, pressing a wet cloth against my forehead in hopes of getting rid of this raging headache but it did nothing. In fact, the headache worsens when horror-filled screams bellow around the prison, the echo of gunshots following right behind them. I leave the towel on the sink before rushing out the bathroom with not a single plan or thought in my mind.

Dead walkers on the ground, dead people lying with them. The sight of their organs, blood, and chunky guts made me sick; my hand covers my lips when a heavy bile in my throat rises. The smell is even worse, especially since it was so fresh.

"No bites." Ricks says, his voice echoing through the hall and causing me to follow. "No wounds. I think he just died."

"Horrible, too." Doctor Subramanian adds. "Pleurisy aspiration."

"Choked to death on his own blood." Hershel says, dumbing it down for the people who didn't understand doctor language. "Caused those trails down his face."

"I've seen them before on a walker outside the fences." I could see them now, my back leaning against the railing as I listened.

"I saw them on Patrick, too."

Patrick. The name made me freeze, all of my muscles tensing, my eyes widening. It was all coming to me now and the more I listened, the more I learned.

"They're from the internal lung pressure building up— like if you shake a soda can and pop the top. Only imagine your eyes, ears, nose, and throat are the top." Doctor explains, his description making me shiver.

"It's a sickness from the walkers?" Bob asks from beside me, arms crossed and tucked into the inside of his elbow.

"No, these things happened before they were around. Could be pneumococcal. Most likely an aggressive flu strain." He says, shaking his head and staring at the dead man's body.

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