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03. Friends..

'You know, I was wondering, you know if... if you could keep on because the force, it's got a lot of power and it, it makes me feel like, uh, it... it make me feel like— ooh!'

Michael Jackson, King of Pop now played in my ears. I had switched the tapes five minutes of driving, growing a bit bored of hearing some of the same songs by Selena. A smile rose on my lips when the sound of sirens zoomed by, a scream of excitement going by along with it. It made me wonder how much fun he was having, a lot would be my guess.

The truck followed closely behind, just a few short minutes we stopped and the back of the truck opened. I stepped out, following behind Andrea, Jacqui and T- Dog with my head down.

"I thought we had lost you folks for sure." An old man chuckled and I leaned against the red car, fiddling with my fingers.

"How'd ya'll get out of there anyway?"

"New guy— he got us out." Glenn says, pushing me to sit inside the car.

"New guy?"

"Yeah, crazy vato just got into town." Morale spoke before shouting. "Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello. Guys a cop like you."

Rick stepped out but when his eyes settled on a duo in the distance he took a heavy breath, almost in unbelief. He opened his mouth to speak yet nothing came out, pointing at the young boy who looked over at him with tears.

"Oh my God." He muttered before approaching them, the boy screaming for his father before pulling him into a quick and tight hug. "Carl, oh!" He sighed, embracing his brunette wife next, sighing deeply.

"And her?" A voice interrupted the beautiful moments, all eyes fell on me and it made me shrink in my spot.

"Kendall." I muttered, but it wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Kendall, she uh, lost her mom and nanny downtown, found her in one of the buildings." Glenn answered for me, bending down and getting in my eyesight so he could speak to me directly. "You can stay with me, it's fine. I have an extra tent."

"Oh— Okay." I wrapped my hand around his wrist as he lead me through the camp, keeping my head down in the process. I was glad that his tent was a little further away from everyone else's. It didn't take him long to get my tent up and it didn't take me long to get settled in. He gave me some covers and pillows and I laid them down, my bag sitting beside them. I smiled to myself, sitting down and enjoying the silence for a moment.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now