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04. Help Me

Creepy was the word I was searching for, eerie maybe, to describe this man named Jim. He had been digging for about an hour, around the time the group had left for Atlanta. He had dug multiple holes, something that would be able to fit a body and he had done it without a single break or a drink of water.

It wasn't my business, by all means, but it didn't mean it made it less creepy. I knew nobody else knew about it, only if you paid close enough attention.

I tried to distract myself from it by helping out around the camp, doing things the other women did— only I ended up writing in my journal. I was pouring out every inch of my feelings and jotting it down in the small notebook my mother had given me for school. A certain freckled boy sat beside me, looking over my shoulder and reading almost everything I had written beforehand and now.

"Carl.." I sighed, shutting the book and looking up at him. "Are you reading my journal?"

"Do you really hate your dad?" He questioned, skipping over mine with a curious expression. "Is he really that bad?"

"No, no. I love my dad... it's just, he never really had time to love me back."

He opened his mouth to speak but the sound of clapping and laughing cut him off. "Hey, check it out." Morales chuckles. "Ladies... because of you my children will eat tonight. Thank you."

Amy and Andrea had gone fishing and in just a few short moments they had brought back a full chain of fish, ready to be skinned and cooked. "Thank Dale." The blonde spoke. "It's his canoe and gear."

"Kendall, look." Carl gasps. "Look at all the fish!" The young boy stood with my wrist in his hands, poking the fish with his finger in admiration. "Whoa."

"Yeah, whoa." Lori smiled. "Where did you two learn to do that?"

"Our dad." Amy took a sip from her water bottle after speaking.

"Can you teach me— us how to do that?" Carl fixed his question when he saw the frown I gave him.

"Sure!" Amy says. "I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff." The blonde tilted her head at Lori. "If that's okay?"

"You won't catch me arguing, sure as hell the same thing with Glenn."

"Hey, Dale." Andrea called and all of our happy faces turned to look at his stressed one. "When's the last time you oiled those line reels? They're a disgrace."

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now