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25. The Governor

After his conversation with The Governor Rick learned that he didn't want peace, he didn't want a solution, he wants surrender. Our surrender and so instead of giving the man what he wanted Rick decided we are going to leave, which seems to be what he wanted exactly, this felt like surrender.

I hate it. I hate this feeling, loathed. It was the quietness, the emotions that whirled in the air as we packed bags. It is something we all should've been used to, we've done it so much but this was different— sort of— we've settled in this prison for a while now, it was a home and now we're forced to leave... I hated it. I hate this feeling so much.

I wrap my fingers around the necklace on my neck, the chain sliding across the skin of my nape. I took a deep breath, giving a couple moments to myself before placing my bag over my shoulder.

He wasn't talking to me, not to anyone. It hurt that he wasn't talking to me, I didn't care about him not talking to the others. I wanted him to talk to me. But he allowed his anger to control him, which I couldn't blame; he believed, like me, this could've been something close to permanent. Carl ignored me, acting as if I didn't exist all the while shouldering pass me.


"I get it, okay?" I sigh, sitting down in the seat right beside him. "This prison is kind of, our sort of, home and you're pissed off because we have to leave but it's not only your dads fault and you can't just place all of the blame on him.."

He glares at me from the corner of his eye only to say nothing and look away. I cross my arms with another sigh, slouching into the cars seat.

"Wow. You're being a huge baby."

"Shut up." Carl grumbles.

"Stop being a big baby and maybe I will."

third persons point of view

The Governor was planning to attack, to use his oblivious and uninvolved people who he turned into soldiers to finish some fight they never began. He filled their thoughts with lies and obscurities just to get them on his side, just to get these innocent people fight for him— not with him.

"Remember, they killed eight men back there." The Governor shouts over all his people loading and cocking guns. "Five here last time. They're not different from the biters. They're not gonna stop until they kill us all, taken everything we've worked so hard for. We're gonna end this once and for all." He stops before turning around to face his people, shouting, while pulling on his jacket.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now