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08. Please Be Okay

Hope had died within me during the night; being up too late did that to me. If the group were searching for me, as I wished, they would've found me by now. An entire day went by, hours and hours of nothing but lost faith.

It was possible that they believed I was gone.

In the morning, when the sun beamed onto my skin and the birds whistled hello, I woke up with a smile on my lips— finally content and relaxed with the way I slept. It wasn't just the morning sun that made me happy, it was also the smiles and greetings I was getting from the people in the house. The farmers had more than enough food to spare and though I was a stranger, they made sure I was well-fed.

The women had me cook along with them; the three were teaching me how to do so, some things were cooked from scratched and it amazed me.

"So, Kendall..." Maggie spoke, saying my name as if was a question. I nodded, letting the brunette know that she was right. "How old are you?"

"Twelve and a half." I answered, stirring the pancake batter with a whisk.

"You were in the seventh grade?" Patricia asked next.

The metal bowl, in my hands, clacked against the counter as I sat it down; I turned around and leaned my back against the counter. "Eighth; I started school earlier than I should've."

"I would've thought it'd be because you were smarter." Beth laughs, taking the bowl of batter from the counter. "I mean, you seem smarter than a kid that'd be your age."

A tilted head and puckered lips went a long way with these women. "Well, uh, my— my therapist explained to me that my focus on my education and studies were so deep because I didn't want to focus on my past trauma."


"Yes." I answered coolly, seating myself at the dining table. "It was my mom and dad's idea."

After a long and communicative breakfast, it was time for the farmers daughter to bring me back to my group. Though, there was something in me, screaming at me and telling me that there was a choice to stay. I didn't listen— I couldn't listen. It was the first time I have ever doubted myself, telling myself that I was wrong and turning away from my brain, from the voice that was always inside my mind, the voice that was always right.

It was wrong this time.

I needed the group. I needed Glenn.

A speechless look stretched across my face, parted lips and raised brows. It was all over me when the sight of a horse came into my peripheral. I wasn't scared, no, just amazed and interested; I have never seen an animal as big as this one up close. My fingertips ghosted over the hair of the animal, a soft and breathy sigh passing my lips as I did so. It was almost as if the horse had leaned into my touch, neighing lightly.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now