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01. Apocalypse

Calamity, disaster, panic, it was all that was happening at the moment. People were screaming, running from the people that were killing others— biting into skin, ripping out their flesh and eating anything in sight. Only the living and breathing things, mainly human. It wasn't something we, as a whole, understood; well maybe except for people who've seen things like this on television, it just wasn't something you expect to be real or happen. People were in shock, misbelief.

"Help! Help me!" A voice screamed, going in and out as they ran in circles. "No. No!"

I gasped quietly, taking several steps back when one of the monstrous people jumped onto the screaming woman and ripped her guts out with their hands. I didn't waste a moment when the soulless and grey beady eyes found mine, I ran down the street and never looked behind me.

I was breathing heavily, almost took a break before remembering the situation I was in. I ran up my houses porch, pulling the expandable keychain that was wrapped around my book bag straps before shoving the key into the hole. I shoved open the door and slammed it behind myself, locking it before running to every window in the house and closing the curtains.

I didn't want to see the fear, I didn't want to see what was outside and the tears that clouded my vision, due to stress, shielded me away from the agony and pain everyone was going through. It was too overwhelming and for being so young, this moment I knew how brave I was being. Though, it wasn't for myself, it was for my parents— as if they were here.

"Jamie." I finally let out, a whimper causing my voice to crack. I flopped onto the couch, pulling my knees to my chest as I cried softly. "Jamie!" I called again, hoping the woman who basically raised me was still home.

I whimpered louder when the floorboard creaked, the fear of having one of those things inside with me shook me to my core. I was absolutely petrified to set foot outside, to even look outside and if one of those things were inside my home I was sure I'd die from a stroke. I clamped my eyes shut, basically shaking of anxiety. A hand touched my shoulder and every bone in my body flinch before I realized who it was.

"Jamie, thank fuck!" I cried, leaping from the couch and wrapping my arms around her.

"I thought you were one of them.." The brunette choked, running her hands through my curls that were drenched in sweat. "I don't think I could explain something like that to your mom." Jamie chuckled, her arms tightening around me.

"Jamie, I want my mom."

"And we'll go get her, she's downtown. I was supposed to bring us down there anyway— but this happened." The woman explained, her hands raising and placing themselves on my cheeks softly.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now