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47. Negan

"I am coming." I argue, following him into the armory. "Glenn is missing, again. I gotta stand by Maggie and you telling me no isn't going to stop me."

"No." He tells me again, stuffing his pack with guns.

"You can't change my mind." I scoff leaning on my hip and crossing my arms. "Carl." I breathe while taking a step forward, my mouth opening to speak before being interrupted.

"I need you to stay and protect this place while we're gone."

"Enid is staying. So's Jeremiah and Kass. Most of them have been trained." I say, motioning to opened door behind me. "I can't stay back, you know I can't. I can't sit here and wait for you to come back— if you do."

"You know how far the Hilltop is?" Carl asked, stopping what he was doing to face me, staring at me with ire. "You know what could happen? Those Saviors are out there."


"You know what they did to Denise, what they tried to do with Maggie and Carol, to Daryl, to Rosita, to Eugene. That's not happening to you, alright? I'm not gonna let it."

I sigh as he turns away from me again, packing his bag. "You want to run into them, don't you? You're hoping they show up." The guilted look on his face tells me all I needed to know. "Carl, shit, are you kidding me? This is about Maggie and her baby— my nephew or niece! This isn't about getting some kind of fucking revenge!" I yell at him. "Fuck you, I'm coming." He stands in front of me as I head toward the door.

"Ken, stop."

"Carl.. we have been together all this time. We have to be together now." I breathe, sliding my hand up his shoulders and cupping the back of his neck, bringing him down so his forehead is touching mine. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you didn't come back. We are leaving together and that's final."


"I'm coming."

"Fine." He gives in, pulling out of my hold and stepping out of the way. "Let's go."

His silence and quick glances my way tells me all I need to know; he was giving me the silent treatment. And knowing him, this game could last long, as long as he wants it to. I sigh at his immaturity, rolling my eyes before looking out the window— he mocks me childishly, rolling his eyes and looking out the opposing window.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now