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12. Walkers In The Barn

Keep your hands steady, you don't want shaky hands when you're dealing with a gun; keep your eye on the target, how will you hit the target if you don't know where it is; take a deep breath, relax, there's nothing to stress about especially when all you need to do is shoot to live. It was supposed to be easy to handle a gun, there wasn't too much to it and nothing difficult about it at all.

Holding a gun wasn't like what I imagined; it was to be used carefully, like a wrapped box with the label fragile on it. It was also heavy but not too heavy, it was like holding a brick or possibly a bag of water. There was no way to describe it properly, but I could say that it was exhilarating yet it still made me a bit anxious.

The heels of my feet were digging into the ground in impatience, waiting for the voice behind me to give me the okay so I could shoot. His burning gaze was making me anxious, it was causing a feeling in my gut to boil.

"Am I allowed to shoot now?" I grumbled, clutching the weapon tighter.

It was quiet because it was just us out here, my practice was separated from everyone else's and it didn't take a genius to figure out why; especially since my teacher was Daryl who appeared to be another person void of feelings with a bit of an attitude problem. I didn't realize until now but we had a lot in common.

He sighed, standing directly behind me with an expression that was too hard to read. "When I want you to shoot, I'll tell you."

I dropped my arms, the burning sensation in my muscles becoming too much. I was sweating under the scorching sun, it made me feel uncomfortable and dirty. I placed my hands on my hips, facing the grumpy man with annoyance. "I have been standing here staring at the target in the same position for ten minutes. It's hot and my arms hurt."

"Stop complaining."

"I see why they partnered you with me, you have the attitude of a twelve year old girl." I insulted him with a scowl, popping a hip out as I place an arm over my forehead to shade my eyes.

"I see why they partnered you with me, no one wants to be around a little girl who can't shut her damn mouth." Daryl scoffed before taking me by my shoulders and spinning back toward the target. "Now turn the hell around and shoot."

Daryls hands slid down my shoulders and to my arms, keeping me steady. I took a deep and heavy breath, narrowing my eyes at the target. A new set of confidence filled me as my finger slipped on the trigger, I let my shoulders slump in confidence before pulling the trigger.

Bullseye. Kind of.

The target was carved into a tree with one of the rednecks knives. It was perfectly visible from where we stood, both of our eyes squinted to catch a good look at the target and from here it looked like a bullseye. I dropped my arms, letting the gun tap against my thigh as we both approached the tree. I tilted my head at the sight, a smug smirk reaching my lips before I faced him with it.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now