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21. Kidnapped
(mentions of SA)

Death is inevitable; all of us knew it, we knew that at some point at least half of us were going to die. It wasn't a hidden fact— still death affected us, especially when someone we counted as family was gone. It didn't stop the pain from reaching our hearts; it didn't stop the silence that paraded over us. There was a certain death that affected a great amount of us but that couldn't stop us from what we had to do. It was a survive or die kind of world and we had to do everything in our power to do so.

Without our strongest attribute we had to make plans on our own. Daryl announced how he was going to take a couple people from the group so he could search the rest of the prison; Glenn and Maggie had made it a plan to go out an scavenge from a building they found in a phone book, which would be perfect since baby food was very much needed.

"I want to come with you." The voice in the very back of my head forced through its way pass my lips. "And before you say no... it's a perfect way for me to learn to scavenge, plus I'll follow the rules, okay?"

"What are the rules?" Glenn challenged me, rocking on the heels of his shoes and raising a questioning brow.

"Uh, stay quiet and follow behind you." I repeat leaning my hip against my right side, crossing my arms. "No running off, no distractions, and listen to whatever you say."

"That's right."

"Glenn, are you sure?" Maggie stepped forward, grasping him by his upper arm with a worried look stretched across her face.

"I've got this." I smiled awkwardly.

"She's got this." Glenn sends me a smile back, giving me a wink.

A calm and soft sensation twirled in my stomach, a grin grazing my lips as we left the prison behind and started on the road. The silence between us wasn't awkward and untouchable anymore; and in the air I could breathe now— comfortably. In the car we were able to laugh and joke but it came to a stop when we reached the building, which looked to be in absolute ruin.

The surroundings looked to be safe and empty but that didn't stop my hand from hovering over the gun on my hip.

I blinked, my expression shriveling into one of disgust when I turned only to see the two adults basically making out. A loud and overdramatic groan left my lips and I leaned against the car with my hip. The view was gross, yes, but they way they looked at one another and the smiles that brightened on their lips when they were in each others vicinity, it caused something within me to warm and swell— this was hard to find, especially now, so I was glad they had it.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now