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18. A New Home

Being on the road, in the cold, for as long as we have was a problem. It's been months since the barn fiasco and since then we have been on the road, searching and searching for something we might never find— a place to settle down, to protect. In the months of seeking we've found nothing but a couple homes to raid and cars to siphon gas from. It's tiring— not where we fight to survive but where we search and search and search for a somewhat permanent home.

It was quiet as we moved through the new houses were sift through for researches, nothing but the sound of walkers hitting the ground and our silencers going off. I was staying close to Daryl, the gun in my hand having a silencer twisted onto it as we searched the house for anymore walkers or people. He pressed a finger to his lips, silencing me with just a gesture as he reached for the door ahead of us. As it opened we held up our weapons but we slowly dropped them once seeing that it was Rick.

Still nothing was said.

After searching the house— and finding absolutely nothing useful— the rest of our group was able to come in, to settle down for just a moment; breathe, rest, maybe drink some water. It was still quiet, not a damn peep; I understood why, I know why we couldn't speak but still it was awkward and uncomfortable. It was all we had, this small break for maybe ten minutes and this silence was important we needed that; we couldn't draw them here.

Glenn kneeled down in front of me, holding out a piece of bread, a very small piece of bread. A ghost smile stretched on my lips and I took it with a nod of acknowledgment. As he stood his lips pressed against my forehead, our eyes shutting as he did so. He was gone, sitting beside Maggie as soon as Carl bounced in and sat beside me.

In his hand was two cans of dog food he dug into his bag and pulled out a can opener— hastily— we all watched with saddened and subjective expressions. As he struggled with it his dad came over and took it right out his hands, backing up as he read the table before reeling it back and throwing it right into the fireplace.

Rick, after what happened, he was angry, tense and frustrated which was justified. He had a different look in his eyes, it was something I could piece together and honestly it terrified me, but not only me, the entire group. I never looked at him differently though, everyone goes through something and we all go through it differently. It's not our right to judge and it's definitely not our right to look down on them. Rick was a leader, a natural-born leader and although we weren't somewhere that made us relax for just a moment, a place where we didn't have to look over our shoulders every second; we were still with him and he protected me— us. Behind all his lies, he was still true and honest and I trust him with my life.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now