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15. My Fault?

Touch; it was the only thing that kept me sleep, that kept me at peace and when it was lost and— or taken away from me, I was awake again. It was so quick, like the snap of a finger, one minute I was peacefully sleeping with the safety of my friends hand in mine and the next my eyes were snapping open when his warmth was gone. I missed him, I missed him immediately but that wasn't something I would say aloud.

I was a bit dazed and confused when I woke up; my vision being blurred and my skin buzzing with chills. It was like I could feel every molecule— every particle in the air and strangely it felt nice.

"Carl..?" A yawn escapes me, along with a long and tight stretch. I could feel my brows pinch together when an answer was not returned, just the ringing of silence like no one was home. "Carl?" I questioned through the silence, this time a bit sterner and more panicked.

A feeling crawled up my neck, it made me shiver, it made goosebumps press against my skin. I was scared... and alone, the silence actually made me believe that I was here alone, that I was left behind. I listened to the whistling of the air, trying to believe that maybe I wasn't hearing anything right, that maybe my hearing was flawed at the moment— it was possible that someone was here, that no one could've possibly left me behind.

Someone had to be here.

I had to check the house myself, deciding against calling for anyone else because I knew no one was going to answer. A grimace stretched across my expression as I stood from the bed, the feeling in my arm slowly coming back but the pain was worse; maybe I stretched my arm the wrong way. I held my arm out to the side, keeping it airborne as I walked so the pain could be kept to a minimum.

The sound of chorused chatter reached my ears as soon as I made it to the living room, my eyes squinting at the sun so I could make out what was going on through the living rooms window.

The entire group was outside, now coming into the house. It took a lot of strength to start running and much more to bump past the group of bodies that tried to stop me— for some weird reason. I was focused on one destination— Glenn— and he was the only person I was looking at right now, the only person I wanted.

"Glenn." I croaked, the feeling of tears burning my eyes made my throat itchy. A confused expression soon took over my face when he brushed me off of him without even a single glance behind him.

It almost made me cry.

I threw a glare over my shoulder, stomping toward the house like a toddler that didn't get their way and rushing off into the room I had just been settled in. I slammed the door behind me, making sure that it was heard throughout the entire house, wanting everyone to know just how angry I was at this point.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now