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17. Horde

Carl was now asking questions that I deemed obvious, but it was okay that he didn't. He was curious as to how Shane died, how he turned into a walker. Rick was walking the both of us back after what had happened and my mind were racing with thoughts of what went down.

Shane had gotten bit, right? It was the only plausible explanation as to why he ended up the way he did. You turn with a walker bite, right?

"He was bit, right?" I ask out of the blue when the two stopped talking, my head tilting it obvious confusion and curiosity. "I mean, that's the only way you can turn into a walker, you get bit?"

Rick hesitated and I noticed so I pushed him further, wanting answers.

"I didn't see a bit on him though, so... if he wasn't bit, how'd he die?"

"He was bit." Rick shut down my questions, turning to look down at me with flared nostrils.

"What happened?" Carl asks for the both of us, his shoulder brushing against mine as he continued to look up at his dad. "You guys attacked? I mean, I— we heard a gunshot, but I didn't see any walkers nearby." After a pause of Rick's silence he questioned his dad again, his hat leaning, locking eyes with him. "How did Shane die?"

Rick stopped walking and the both of us followed, our eyes on him completely as we waited for an answer. The man was about to answer but the sound of walkers growling and groaning caught our ears before any words could leave his tongue.

"Oh my God." He muttered; we were surrounded— a horde of walkers. "Go go go go go go go go go." Rick took us both by our arms and dragged us away, trying to find us someplace to hide.

We crouched behind a tree, looking around to see if there was any place we could go and the only thing that tapped the top of my brain was the barn. "We— we gotta get to the house, tell the others." Carl whispered, his fingers interlocked with mine.

"We'll never get through that." Rick says back. "Can't go around. Carl, Kendall, stay close. Go!" He placed us on both sides of him, his hand on our backs as we rushed toward the barn.

I was whimpering and shaking in fear, trying to keep up with the both of them while trying to keep my eyes ahead as if nothing was there. In fear sped up, hurrying inside the— used to be— zombie filled barn with a whew. It wasn't like we were safe; it was just a now plan, we didn't have a runaway plan and it made my mind haze and my thoughts cloud. I don't think I have ever been scared but this was the moment I realized I didn't want to die, I have something to live for.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now