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24. A Madman's Town

It was uncomfortable, the silence between us. Not a word had been said yet; the only sound that was made is the wheels rolling on the concrete road. Though, it's pleasant to sit in silence sometimes because of all the noise, this one had deep rooted anger and hate within it— you could just feel it.

"Hey!" The man's shout reached my ears just moments before his figure did. There was a large orange pack strapped onto his shoulders and it became more noticeable when he tried to chase the car. "Hey! Hey! Slow down! I'm begging you!" We went right by him, his screams fading.

The entire time I had my eyes closed— I couldn't watch.

And still, not a word was shared between us; just a quick glances that's only lasted seconds.

The road ahead of us, moments later, was blocked by other cars. The idea was to go around the cars and continue driving but the wheels had gotten stuck in mud which wasn't noted until we were stuck. Another idea from her was to slam her foot against the acceleration but it only worsened; now we were dug deeper into the mud.

The tense environment between everyone in the car, beside myself, had only gotten tenser. The two men seemed to be glaring at her— hard and it had become pretty obvious of how much they didn't like her.

Then, bam! Walkers were all around us. I flinched back when their dirty hands slam against the glass; scraping and clawing on the window as if it was going to get them inside.

Finally, a sentence was spoken.

"Cover your ears." Rick glances over his shoulder, speaking lowly to both of us. As he told as to do, we did, placing our open palms over our ears. He rolls his window down just a bit, pushing his gun through the crack before covering his right ear and pulling the trigger. It wasn't long until all of them were dead, spread across the ground.

Afterwards, it had become a teaching moment between father and son— which left Michonne and I in the car, watching and listening. It was as if the two of them had forgotten that the window was rolled down and we could hear them.

"Put something under the car like this with a little gravel and sticks." Rick says, kneeling to the ground and giving his son a visual. "It gives you traction."

"Wouldn't have to do it if she didn't get us stuck." Carl mumbles, a frown twisting on my lips because of it.

"It was an honest mistake." Rick stood up again, both of them walking back toward the car and kneeling in front of the wheel.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now