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29. New Crew
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The gigantic trees swoop by me, rooted to the ground, and watching while I sprint. A heavy breath drags from my lips as leaves crunch underneath my shoes. Sweat pours from my pores, trickling down my temple and dampening my shirt— extremely. The sound of moans, groans, and obnoxiously noisy footsteps stomp from all around me. It's not clear how far or close they are nor is it clear on where they are.

I was scared and exceptionally stressed. I was only able to run, no matter if my legs were tired, or if my feet were crying with exhaustion.

The straps on my shoulders are tightened; bouncing along with my headphones that sit around my neck. All items in my pack shaking and bumping against one another. It made more unnecessary noise.

"Shit." I breathe out heavily, placing my hand over my chest and feeling the quick pace of my heart thundering against my chest. I whimpered as my legs ache in so much pain; frustrated tears springing my eyes.

I stop; hiding behind a tree while holding my hatchet close to my chest, waiting. As the footsteps get closer and closer I ready myself, listening carefully. I shut my eyes for a millisecond, freeing thorough wisps of air before jumping out from behind the tree and taking a mean swing at whatever dead thing approached it. Blood splashed everywhere, on my shirt, pants, shoes, my face; all it took was a couple of swings to the walkers head.

The stomping of more footsteps begin to grow closer, making me yank my hatchet out from the walkers head and run as fast as I was able.

Having to sprint up a hill made every inch of my body screech; nabbing onto passing trees as my feet dig into the ground so I'd get up the hill. I cry out with frustration as I finally reached the top.

An entire field of nothingness is what I'm met with; grass brush against the exposed parts of my body, just like the light winds that rush by. It was something to relish in for just a moment until it was time to start running once again. The field was perfect for hiding in plain sight; the only parts of me shown is my hair which sticks of from above the tall grass. Still, it's an ideal way to lose the walkers that hunted me.

The sun happens to set when I reached the next part of the enormous forest, trees had surrounded me once again. The sky seems to grow darker and darker with each step I take, which caused me to become alarmed— more than I already am.

I drag my feet through the dirt, exhausted and scorching; even when I drunk the last sip of my water. My heart bats against my ribcage, if possible, I could hear it beating in my ears. The continuous walking is the blame for my tongue going dry, as well as the dehydration I begin to feel almost half an hour, it felt, into walking.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now