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51. The Terrible Two

third persons point of view

thwack! Another dart slipped from his fingers, whipping through the air and piercing its sharp end into the target, landing beside the previous darts— nowhere near bullseye.

"And Maggie's alive?" She questions, stopping him right as his hand lifts to throw another one. "At Hilltop..? And Glenn was buried there?" In response to each of her questions, Carl nodded. "Shit, you guys scared me.. making me believe she was actually dead." Kendall groans, falling back against the wall and gently massaging her temples stressfully.

thwack! Carl throws another, his last, scoffing when it— again— lands inches away from the reddened circle. Carl rolls his eyes, turning his head slightly to peek over at his girlfriend, her presence is loud; he was sure he could hear every thought flooding her mind. "What Ken?" He breathes, glancing at her before nearing the target and snatching the darts out of it. As Carl steps back into place, facing her once more, he flinches; Kendall was standing inches from his face. "Woah!"

"I have to go see her.." Kendall says leaning closer, not even noticing how close she already was. "And you have to go with me, please?"

"Kendall.. I don't think we should, it's too far."

"I'll go without you— you know I will, so don't make me go alone."

Carl groans, shutting his eyes before facing the target once again and focusing on that. Kendall narrows her eyes at him, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall again. "Ken—" Before he can answer he's interrupted by the soft creak of his bedroom door opening. Both teenagers peek over their shoulders, momentarily making eye contact with the unwelcomed guests; Rick, Michonne, and Aaron.

"Carl.." Rick breathes, standing behind his son and waiting for him acknowledge his presence. "You should come with us."

The Grimes boy sighs and throws another dart, completely missing the target and stabbing the pointed end into the door beside it. "Someone's gotta be here for Judith."

"There's people who want to help." Rick says, trying to persuade Carl. "We'll only be gone a few days at the most. We need supplies." Carl throws a dart again— missing again. "They're gonna be coming back soon."

"Is this how it's gonna be now?" Carl side-eyes his dad, scoffing and shaking his head.

"Yes." Rick tells him. "It is. You know that."

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now