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22. Saved

Skin. The skin was sensitive to touch; just one touch and the skin was popping with millions of goosebumps. Then there was the buzzing and the stinging, the feeling you get when the person touching you makes you feel scared or unsafe. I was feeling that way now— I am scared of touch even if it wasn't harmful. The skin never forgets that feeling and it would certainly take the mind a very long time to forget. In a sense, I didn't want to forget; remembering this will make me stronger, it will prepare me for this new and awful world now growing around us. This was a lesson learned.

Glenn and Maggie were against the wall closest to the door, muttering a few words back and forth which made it hard for me to hear. Though, I didn't make an effort to hear them, I didn't even make an effort to speak. I only turned my head a few times, just to remind myself that they were here with me; it was all I needed, reassurance. I couldn't stand to look at Glenn for more than a few seconds, he looked awful; it was obvious, to the both of us, that they beat him. There was blood all over his face, neck, and chest, and a black eyes, a few scratches to match.

"Kendall.." Glenn had gotten up from the floor, which to me seemed like a bad idea, seeing as how weak he was. "Kendall." He called me again when he didn't get an answer. Glenn was leaning over the dead walker, grunting and groaning as he pulls off its arm. Maggie stands and steps toward him slowly, watching with a face full of disgust. "You stand behind me and Maggie at all times." Glenn was ripping the corpses arm apart, pulling out the bone and using it as a weapon— smart. A bone for him and a bone for Maggie.

It was a smart idea; sneak attack the men patrolling us and get them when they weren't expecting. But what would be the outcome if they come into the room completely strapped and ready to kill. It wouldn't work out too well, we would be detained in just a few short seconds— possibly dead in another... and even if we did get out, how would we get pass all the people looking and hunting for us? There was no good outcome for this plan.

And like always my pessimism was right.

The doors opened and the two were able to get their hands on the two people that tried to walk inside. Maggie had killed the man that she grabbed but Glenn was too weak to detain Merle, it just wasn't going to work. Maggie's guy had a triggerfinger obviously, as he died the gun went off and I was sure it alerted everyone in town.

I wasn't able to do anything but watch in the background. Merle had Glenn on the ground and Maggie had her gun pointed at him but it was no use, more men showed up and had her put down her gun.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now