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30. Together Again

"Stand five feet apart." The gunman stops us in front of a rusted train car, in the very back of the building. "You— Big Brother, open the door with your right hand and do it very slowly." He orders, making strange gestures at the other gunmen that watched us from the rooftops.

It took a second but Kareem got the door open.

"Now, step inside and I'll make sure your people follow you in." His eyes narrowed, keeping a close eye on Kareem.

"Not without my siblings."

"Get in or I'll blow her damn brains out." The gunman shoves the barrel of his gun into the back of my shoulder, making me wince at impact. As he steps in, carefully, the man pulls his gun away. "Next is you, the Warrior." He assigns the nickname to Messiah while stepping forward along us as we wait to go in next. "Alright, now it's you, follow your siblings in, little girl." It was Kassala's turn. "Boy, follow her. And your last, get in." The gunman shoved me forward, making me trip.

I rushed inside, just to get away from him, jumping when the door slams behind me.

"Are you guys alright? I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to put you in this—"

"Shh." Kareem hushes me, cutting me off before I could say another word, guarding us from whoever or whatever hidden with -in the darkness. But once they realize we knew they were there, they step out of the dark and approach us— charge at us. The moment they rush from the dark corner of the train car, I feel every reflex within me drop..

"Rick?" I question, my voice high-pitched and echoing throughout the car. "Rick. Oh my God." I rushed into his arms, wrapping them around him.

"Are you okay?" He mumbles, pulling me away and checking me for anything. "You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah— Carl." I practically screech before rushing into his arms, holding back tears. I tighten my hold around him, hands clawing the fabric of his clothing, sobbing in his neck while he holds me. "I knew I'd find you."

"I knew you were alive." He mumbles in relief. "You didn't break our promise." He reminds me of the promise we made— of our promise.

I pull out from the hug, touching his skin, his cheeks before pressing a kiss onto one of them. A quivering breath leaves me as I give him one last hug before moving onto the next person— Glenn. We say nothing, we didn't need to speak; we just needed to embrace each other. His smell brought me comfort, the warmth radiating from him is welcoming, and the light kiss he plants on my forehead makes me shut my eyes only to enjoy it for the moment; I want nothing more than this.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now