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40. Posthumous

"I didn't like your son, but at least I tried helping him which is more than I can say about Nicholas."

After that, after those last words, she shut down; laying in bed, staring at the ceiling with my dog at the end of it and his shirts bundled in her arms. Ever so often, I hear her inhale and exhale deeply, grasping the odor of his clothes so she could remember what he smelled like. It's heart-breaking.

"Ken." A weak, boyish voice calls behind me. I turn away from Messiah to give this person my full attention. Ron. "I was told you'd be here.. uh, do you think we could talk for a second?"

"Um.." I trail off, glimpsing at Messiah in the corner of my eye. "Yeah... yeah, could you walk me to the clinic, actually. I have to check on Kareem."

"I didn't know you were.. compassionate." Ron says, trying to lighten the mood; and all I could muster is a weak laugh, almost fake.

"Yeah, we both changed.." I mutter.

"I'm sorry for what happened— for your lost." Ron stumbles, stilling at the top of the stairs. "And.. I brought you this." He hands me a newer version of my cassette player; a sony walkman. "You use an old one and I don't use this one, so.. keep it."

A smile grazes my lips and I use a voice softer than usual. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He responds, his voice even softer than mine. As my head begins to raise to look at him, he clears his throat and turns away. "Is Kareem alright now?"

"He says so but.. I think he's pretending to be okay." I say tucking the walkman away in my back pocket. "I understand why he's pretending but he shouldn't, not after what happened to get his eyes to open, again.. I worry, especially for him." Ron opens the basement door, allowing me to exit before himself.

"You really care about him." Ron mutters.

"I care about everyone in my group." I tell him, stepping out the front door as he held it open for me.

"Mm-hmm. I think you care about a few more than others... like your best friend." His voice swings above me in a teasing manner, which irks my soul; and when I noticed the smug smirk twitching on his lips, I knew he wasn't done taunting me. "Ken, you remember your camp-crush?"

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 | 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now