chapter3: plucking feathers.

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Y/n found himself staring at a giant monster that certainly was not a hollow.  It had a humanoid build with eight arms coming out its back like a spider but Instead of hands it had metallic stingers, its head was covered in bandages but only a singular red eye could be seen peeking out through them.

One might wonder how he found himself up against such a creature so we have to go back to the day before after he got home from hanging out with his friends in Kuoh.

Y/n was sitting on his sofa looking at his cellphone when multiple knocks were heard on his door making him stand up and answer it to see a frightened issei who immediately barged in.

Y/n: What the hell are you doing here?

Issei: Y/n I'm scared, please you gotta help me! I'm freaking out dude!

Y/n: Slow down, what's going on?

Issei: You know how I told you I had that date?

Y/n: Yeah, what about it?

Issei: Yuma!.. She. . . . .I don't know how to explain it! I took her to a park to end our date and I thought I would get a kiss at the end but she went through some sort of umm transformation. I don't know, okay she grew these black bird-like wings and her clothes changed to some bdsm like clothes that let me see her boobs. Oh man, what a sight but I was so freaked I ran straight over here instead of going home.

Y/n: You ran across town to my house?

Issei: I didn't know what to do!

Y/n's eyes flicked to the door when it rang and Issei released a frightened yelp while Y/n pointed to the other side of the room where a closet could be seen which Issei ran inside and slowly closed.

Y/n walked to the front door and opened it where he saw a young teenage girl with black hair and purple eyes wearing a short dress she seemed somewhat irritated from what Y/n could see.

Y/n: Can I help you?

???: My name's Yuma Amano and my umm date ran away to this house and I was wondering if you could bring him to me?

Y/n: Sorry I don't know what you're talking about nobody's here except me.

Yuma: No No I am very certain that he came here.

Y/n: No, it's just me.


Yuma went through a transformation her body got more matured 
with black wings and her clothes changed into some BDSM type consisting of a black strap that goes across her tits, a black thong, and a single long black stocking.

She tried to smack y/n out her way and walk inside but he caught her wrist and kicked her down watching as she tumbled down the small steps leading to his door.

Y/n: You have some nerve don't you?

He stepped outside the house and shut the door behind him and stepped down the stairs watching as Yuma stood up with an enraged expression on her face as she floated upwards into the sky.

Yuma: You fucking brat! Do you have the guts to treat me like that?!

Y/n gave her a blank stare as a blue aura started to warp around his body with wisps of energy starting to come off him.

Y/n: And you're the one that tried to break into my house.

He created a Spirit sword that hummed with energy as he pointed it at Yuma and got into a stance

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