chapter12: End of the rating game

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Riser growled as  his arm started regenerating while y/n stood still waiting for him to finish.

Riser: I've never faced a human like you in my entire life!

Y/n: I'll take that as a compliment.

Y/n glanced behind him and a ball of fire hit him only for it pass through with ease with no blood or anything coming from y/n but that's when his body started to fade away revealing itself to be an afterimage.

Riser: Dammit!!

Riser slammed his foot on the ground sending a wave of fire in every direction, the field they stood in wasn't even a field anymore everything was either covered in blood or burnt to ashes.

Riser grunted when he was impaled from behind and looked down to see y/n's sword sticking out his stomach so he looked behind him only to see y/n with a blank emotionless look on his face that he learned from his mother.

Y/n: I could kill you if I wanted.

His blue eyes held nothing but the intent to kill in them before they closed as y/n gave riser a smile and ripped out Ketsueki sasaka with blood spraying everywhere.

Y/n: But I won't I'm here to free rias not kill you.

Riser: How do you switch personalities so quickly!? One second you're going stone faced and the next you're joking around!

Y/n: It's something I once saw my mother do when I spied on her talking to someone and I taught myself how to do it.

Riser dashed towards y/n and they both threw a punch that collided with eachother's causing a burst of fire and blood around them.  Riser tried to kick y/n's legs out from under him only for the shinigami to jump upwards and slam his elbow on the devil heirs skull hard enough to send him to his knees.

Y/n: It's humiliating being defeated by a "mere human" isn't it?

Riser: Shut up!

Riser lifted his head and attempted to shoot fire out his mouth but he was interrupted by y/n grabbing his face covering his mouth before pushing it into the ground.

Riser used his flame teleportation so that he reappeared standing a couple feet away from y/n who covered his hands in his zanpakuto's blood before sheathing it In it's scabbard that was secured onto his sash on his waist.

He created a spear of blood in his hands and threw it at risers feet where it just turned into a puddle.

Riser: What you Missed?

Y/n: That was the plan.

Riser: Huh- GAGH?!

Emerging out the puddle of blood the spear turned into were spikes the size of a human impaling him into other spikes that were all pointing towards each other.

Riser groaned as y/n let the spikes fall apart and he tried to keep his balance from having a portion of his knee taken out by a spike and felt pure unyielding rage in his body as he glared at y/n with pure hatred burning in his eyes.

Y/n used shunpo to gain some distance just as riser let out one of those screeches that caused the wind to pick up and started to bob and weave of the way of countless invisible wind blades from all directions.

Y/n p.o.v

The blood under my feet bubbled and I could feel it steam underneath me as riser vanished in a torrent of flames only to reappear behind me with a punch that I caught that shattered the earth under us.  He threw a second punch that I also caught as we started to push against each other with the ground under us crumbling into a ravine that we were creating

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