chapter14: The dream

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Y/n p.o.v

Where am I? This isn't my bedroom, I looked around in confusion blinking rapidly. I found myself standing in an empty white room with a chain wrapped around my neck pierced into the ground .

I couldn't move any of my body except for my neck and no matter what I tried my mouth wouldn't make a sound.

Before my eyes five shadows manifested in my field of vision rising from the ground and they started to approach me holding swords in their hands.

I couldn't distinguish what gender they were at all or who they were.

Behind the silhouettes I saw a man who was completely made from a white light but had glowing blue eyes that stared directly into my eyes.

I tried to raise my reiatsu but it didn't do anything and in fact I couldn't even feel it in my body. It felt like I was an ordinary human.

No matter how hard I tried to use my reiatsu I couldn't.

The first two shadows walked towards me and I felt a sudden weightlessness in my arms and blinked in confusion and saw one shadow on each of my sides holding one of my detached arms in their grips.

That's when pain hit me like a getsuga tensho from ichigo. It was cold and hot at the same time .

My blood was spewing out the stumps on my shoulders and it was pooling around my feet.

It hurt. If this was a dream then it's a nightmare. The pain I felt from this was unreal as I opened my mouth in a silent scream but nothing came out.

For some reason I somehow knew that they were shinigami although I'm not sure why it was as if that knowledge was hardwired into my brain.

My balance was lost as I fell backwards. I looked down at my legs to see one of them missing as the third shadow held it in their hands while looking behind them at the other four.

They were all releasing some chittering noise like they were communicating and the fourth one suddenly appeared in my face grabbing me by my hair making me stare into it's soulless white void it calls eyes.

It looked down at my other leg and I felt dread fill my body and in an instant that one was severed as well with me falling completely on my back.

I could only look up and I couldn't see the shadows but I could hear one getting closer.

I finally saw it and felt my body being lifted up by an unknown force as my torso floated a couple feet into the air.

I wanted to cough as a blade was shoved into my stomach. At this point I didn't have the energy to scream as the fifth shadow ripped it's blade out and shoved its hands into my stomach before rummaging around.

Despite what they were doing to me I felt. . . . Love? For them, I don't know why, but I felt the love that a parent had for their child towards my attackers.

I could feel the shadow's hands exploring my insides until suddenly I couldn't feel my heart beating anymore. The shadow pulled it's hands back to reveal my heart that pulsated in its grip.

This is hell, I must be in hell the pain was overbearing, my body has been mutilated by these demons but the question is why? Why are they doing this to me?

Together they all circled me as my body started to float down. I could feel my scalp being cut off as blood ran down my face coating it in my crimson fluid.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head as they touched my brain and just like that I couldn't think clearly anymore as a crystal started to cover my body.

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