chapter15: inner self.

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Y/n was standing in his mindscape staring at Sasaka who was standing on top of the massive spirit sword, his coat blowing with the wind dramatically as Ketsueki was meditating with her eyes closed a couple feet away.

Sasaka: This will be your test, to see if you are worthy to handle your true power.

Sasaka vanished and reappeared In Front of y/n who manifested his zanpakuto and held it in his hand.

Y/n: It's a bit early for this isn't it?

Sasaka: Your spiritual energies were mixing faster than I expected so we have to do this now.

Sasaka held his hand out and a spirit sword of his own formed however it formed instantly unlike y/n's which took a second to make.

Ketsueki: Try not to shake everything too much.

Both Quincy stared at each other and they blasted towards each other with a swing kicking up a tower of blood into the sky only for it to rain down on them.

Y/n started to swing at sasaka rapidly with an onslaught of attacks that he elder blocked or countered with slashes of his own.

Their blood was falling into the sea of ichor they stood on as sasaka swung his sword at y/n's shattering the young Quincy's blade.

Y/n cursed and jumped backwards to gain distance only for sasaka to chase him down.

Y/n p.o.v

Sasaka created three reishi arrows that were the size of my body making me reinforce myself with blut as an explosion went off around me causing an eruption of blood to go into the sky.

I rolled backwards and sidestepped a thrust from sasaka and tried to slash at him only for him to grab the blade itself and squeeze making it break apart into small particles.

Sasaka: You must take this seriously!

Y/n: I am!

Sasaka: You must fight me with the intent to kill otherwise you won't get anywhere!

I squeezed one of my eyes shut in pain when sasaka slashed my chest making blood shoot through the air.

Sasaka held his palm out towards me as he created a heilig bogen charging an arrow that crackled with power.

I created another spirit sword. However this time I channeled my shinigami reiatsu into it making it change from blue to red.

I stood my ground and activated blut to increase my defensive capabilities Incase I mess up.

Sasaka released the arrow and time seemed to slow down for me. My eyes followed it as it got closer and when it got into range I swung down splitting it in half making it go around my body and blowing up behind me.

When I looked back towards sasaka he was gone making me look around wildly. When I looked up I saw sasaka floating in the air as a heilig bogen formed in the sky above me with the string being pulled back by an unknown force and then it was released shooting down towards me.

Third p.o.v

The arrow sped down at y/n faster than light and it impacted into his body breaking through his blut that he activated at the last second.

An explosion of reishi went off and when it faded y/n could be seen covered in his blood and burns on his body as he panted loudly falling to his knees while dropping his sword that broke apart and vanished.

Sasaka: You are relying purely on your Quincy abilities. If you wish to learn my name you must use both the abilities of your Quincy and shinigami powers.

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