chapter17: The Power.

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Shockwaves filled the sky and a pink blur slammed into the ground making spiderweb cracks formed everywhere.

Meninas groaned and held her head in pain before shaking the dizziness out her head and looked up seeing Gisele grabbed by the face by Y/n and slammed into the ground taking her out of commission just like that.

Giselle: Meni. . .he's strong. . .

Meninas: that's to be expected.

Y/n p.o.v.

I shot a reishi arrow at menias who didn't have time to absorb it or move out the way creating an explosion.

Y/n: Were you two really sent by the Quincy king?

I could see meninas stand up with slight burns while rolling her shoulders with a smile on her face.

Meninas: Not bad. . Not bad at all.

Y/n: Compliments aren't gonna get you anywhere.

Meninas used hirenkyaku and threw a punch that I blocked with blut vene but it still sent me sliding back due to the force.

Meninas: How bout that?

Y/n: Your physical strength is stronger then mine. . .I must give you that.

I smirked and shunpo'd behind menias doing a 360 and hitting her with a kick that sent her back meanwhile Giselle was doing something in the background which most likely was not good.

I tried to target her but menias leapt at me with a punch that I dodged.

Meninas: You pack a punch behind your blows as well.

I shot a barrage of reishi arrows at menias that the pink haired Quincy jumped over before using hirenkyaku

I then felt arms locking around my waist and was slammed backwards in a German suplex that took us from the sky to the ground which broke apart as dust and dirt went flying obscuring my sight.

I got up before she did and thanks to the dust obscuring me from view I was able to move from my spot as meninas grabbed at where I laid.

I was able to land a punch right under her chin knocking her up before i appeared via shunpo grabbing her face and slamming her body into the ground with a shockwave spreading out through the clearing that was strong enough to topple a couple buildings.

Meninas kicked me in the stomach drawing a groan as well as shooting me through the air before I flipped backwards landing on the air.

Giselle shot an arrow at me but before it could collide I broke it apart before rushing her and cutting off her left arm which dropped to the ground.

Meninas blinked beside me and slammed her fist into the side of my cranium blasting my body through the sky and she used hirenkyaku to get behind me reaching out to grab me only for me to slam a blut enforced elbow to her nose making her retreat a bit.

I spun around slamming a knee into her stomach before grabbing her by the hair and punching her in the face repeatedly.

I don't like hurting women like this but I can't let these two get their way.

Meninas groaned in pain with each punch and grabbed me planting her hands on my cheeks before slamming her forehead into my nose and I cried out feeling my nose break from the force.

Goddammit that hurt! I stumbled backwards away from her clutching my nose for a second before wiping the blood away with my fist.

Meninas: Ouch, this fighting is really unnecessary.

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