chapter21:A noble snake

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Loud booms could be heard as multiple shockwaves went off through the sky making it quake.

Ketsueki sasaka slammed into the zanpakuto of tokinada which clanged loudly.

The noble had a smile on his fight as his zanpakuto overpowered Ketsueki sasaka pushing it down before be kicked Y/n in the stomach blasting him through the air only for him to vanish.

Tokinada: Oh?

He moved his zanpakuto behind his back to block a sneak attack with an amused smile on his face.

Tokinada: How predictable.

Y/n: I'll show you predictable.

He vanished once again only for tokinada to vanish as well before reappearing once again holding the young hybrid by the throat with his own zanpakuto shoved through his chest.

Tokinada showed great joy from this and ripped Ketsueki sasaka out it's owners chest and tossed it to the side where it fell to the ground.

Tokinada: I can only imagine the despair that your mother would feel upon your death. The fun part of it would be is that she would know it was me but she can't do anything about it without proof.

Y/n glared at him and tokinada chuckled while raising his zanpakuto to take off his head but an explosion occured around him.

When the smoke cleared tokinada could be seen blocking a slash from Xenovia's zanpakuto with his.

Xenovia: Scum, let him go.

Tokinada: Oh I've been called worse then that.

He pushed Xenovia's sword back with ease before punching her away where her body did flips as a massive spear of light slammed into his back creating another explosion on his body.

When it cleared tokinada turned around and looked towards the armored individual staring at him.

It had a golden and blackish armor with crow like wings. In it's hands it held a spear with two prongs posed to strike.

Standing beside him was Sirzechs and micheal who were both raising their power ready to fight.

Sirzechs: It would be wise to drop him don't you think?

Tokinada: Would it? Oh you're his friends aren't you? Aw well this just makes things better for me. I can let him suffer as I kill you all.

Tokinada dropped Y/n's body to the ground but xenovia caught him before he could hit the ground as the armored fallen angel that was Azazel started to combat the crooked shinigami.

Xenovia: You must regain your strength, I will take you to Asia.

Y/n: Stay with us, while she heals me and whoever else is with her.

Xenovia: Very well.

Xenovia found Asia who was healing injured angels and devils with her sacred gear/zanpakuto.

Xenovia gently laid Y/n over a piece of debris and Asia gasped and immediately got to work on the hole on his stomach.

Asia: What happened?

Xenovia: Some man nearly killed him. Heal him as much as you can Asia. I will guard you as you do so.

The devil nun nodded with a determined expression on her face as xenovia walked ahead.

Asia created a barrier around the area before continuing on healing Y/n and those stuck inside while xenovia fought the remaining magicans that Yumi hasn't killed outside the barrier.

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