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This was supposed to be a super short thing, but I just kept writing so it may be a little all over the place!

Beca stormed up the stairs of the Bella house, clearly mad. Or sad. Chloe couldn't tell, but she knew she wasn't happy.

Chloe had been spending a lot of time in Beca and Amy's room ever since Aubrey got a new boyfriend and keeps bringing him over to their shared room. So, she was up there when Beca came in that night.

"God! I can not believe him!" Beca muttered tensely as she came into the room. "Oh. Hey Chlo. Sorry I just–"

"It's fine. I can go, I think Ben left."

Ben is Aubrey's new boyfriend.

"No. Stay. Please? It's stuff with Jesse... I don't know what to do anymore." Beca sounded hopeless as she begged Chloe to stay.

Normally Chloe would love any time she could spend with Beca, but when it was Jesse related not so much. Chloe never knew why she hated talking about their relationship so much, but it always felt awkward.

"Jesus I sound so desperate. Sorry. You can go, I don't need to rope you into this."

Chloe could see Beca was going to break down any minute, and she hated to see her like that.

"No. I'll stay with you Becs. What's up?"

"It's Jesse again. I don't even know why we fight half the time, but it seems like we can't go a day without an argument."

Chloe just sat. She knew Beca liked to vent, and she became a great listener because of it.

"I feel like I'm just not happy anymore with us. He thinks I'm distant because I'm busy with Bellas stuff, and normally I would feel bad but I don't. I want to be with the Bellas more than him, I think we're just losing our spark. This fucking sucks."

"Oh Becs. Come here." Chloe didn't wait for Beca to come closer, she reached over and wrapped Beca in a hug.

"I'm sorry Chlo, that was a lot. I just needed to talk to someone and you're the only person I want to tell."

Chloe pulled away from the hug to look at Beca. Her big blue eyes stared right into Beca's now-watering eyes.


Chloe didn't say anything. Instead she reached for Beca's cheek and pulled her in for a kiss.

Beca pulled away.

*Shit,* Chloe thought. *Why would I do that?*

"I'm sorry Becs I don't know why I just did that. I'm so sorry."

"No. Chloe..." Beca's voice trailed off. The two just stared at each other again.

Beca broke the silence. "I've wanted to do that for so long now you don't even know."

The two kissed once again, this time keeping at it for much longer. It wasn't long before the two girls were making out just like they had both always wanted to.

"Well Mitchell?" Chloe smirked. She now knew they both had some feelings for each other, but this moment was short lived.

"What's up Pitches?!" Amy burst through the door of their room without so much as a knock. It was her room after all.

"Oh.. Ohh!!!" Amy got a huge grin on her face when she realized what had been going on. "Wait a minute. You broke up with Jesse?"

"Uh. What makes you say that?" Sure, Beca really liked Chloe, but she was not ready for the other girls to find out and make a big deal of it.

"You two clearly just got done with doing something a lot more than just friends would do."

Amy loved to joke about Chloe and Beca, so it was safe to say walking in on this made her very happy.

"We're just sitting on the bed. Like we always do. Right?" Chloe stumbled through the sentence and looked to Beca for reassurance at the end like she always does.

"C'mon guys. Give it up! I was outside the door and may have heard something that confirms my suspicions!"

"Well." Beca shrugged her shoulders to Chloe.

"So... did you break up with Jesse?"

"Uh. No. Not officially. That's why nobody can hear about this, okay Amy?"

"Yeah. Right. Ok I'm gonna go back downstairs and pretend I never saw this or otherwise your secret will be spilled any second!"

After Amy left the girls got right back to kissing, and went a lot further than that. Neither of them had fully comprehended what was happening, but they knew it was long awaited.

Beca knew it was bad, but she couldn't wait to tell Jesse they were over.

"I'll treat you better than him, you know that right?"

"Yes Chlo. I believe you," Beca said while rolling her eyes.

*Thank god she didn't leave,* Beca thought.

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