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This is a bit of a longer one! Enjoy!

Beca Mitchell joined the Bellas solely because her dad made her. She was anything but excited to be a part of a singing group at first. By the time it was regionals though, she had a slightly different outlook. Her and group leader, Chloe Beale, had become close friends throughout the year. Their friendship definitely made Beca's commitment to the Bellas slightly easier to get through.

Another one of Beca's new friendships was also growing, but not in a way Beca enjoyed. Her friend Jesse was a great guy, but he wanted them to be more than friends. Part of Beca did want that, but anytime Jesse made a move she backed away. She chalked up her aversion to Jesse just being because she hated physical touch.

"Becs, come here." Jesse said in a low voice, patting the spot next to him.

Beca shot him a very forced, soft smile before going to sit. She kept a very purposeful couple of inches between the two of them, which Jesse quickly closed up.

"I can't believe you're actually going to watch a movie with me." Jesse teased.

"Well, you listen to my music and mixes all the time. I figured I should probably put some time towards your hobbies too." Beca shrugged.

Despite her cold front, Beca did have a heart deep down. She genuinely did feel bad for her lack of interest in Jesse's life, especially when she knew Jesse could pick up on it.

"I like you a lot, Beca." Jesse said quietly after a moment of silence.

Beca's body tensed up, and she got a weird shiver down her spine that wasn't the good kind. She couldn't explain why she hated hearing that, but she did. Instead of responding, Beca pressed play on the movie. Jesse sighed in defeat, a defeat he felt often with Beca.

About halfway into the movie, Beca's phone began to buzz. She flipped it over to see Chloe's face fill the screen. Glad to use the call as an excuse, Beca wiggled out from under Jesse's arm.

"I'm just going to take this super quick. Chloe wouldn't call if it wasn't important." Beca said.

She knew that was a lie, but it didn't matter. Chloe would call Beca constantly even for the smallest things, but Beca always loved to talk with her. To get some privacy, Beca headed out of Jesse's dorm into the hall.

"Hey, Chlo." Beca answered.

"You answered!" Chloe exclaimed.

Beca cracked a smile on the other end of the line. 

"I did. What's up?" Beca asked.

"I'm bored and wanted to see if you could hang out. It's ok if you can't thou-"

"I can." Beca interrupted.


"Yeah, I just need an excuse to get out of watching a movie with Jesse." Beca joked.

Chloe let out a small giggle, making Beca smile again.

"Just, uh, let me tell Jesse and then I'll be over." Beca said.

"See you soon!" Chloe said before hanging up.

Beca walked back into the room, putting on her best annoyed face. She decided her best bet was to blame her departure on the Bellas. Since Jesse was a Treble, he understood the time commitment of being in a singing group at Barden.

"Hey Jess, I'm really sorry but I've gotta go." Beca said.

"What, already?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah, ugh it's just this stupid issue with the Bellas new set. Chloe called me in a frantic telling me if I didn't get there soon we'd have to drop out of the ICCAs. Obviously that's an exaggeration, but I figure I should still probably help out. You know, be a team player and all." Beca lied.

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