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It was Friday night, and the Bellas all had plans to go out to a bar near campus. It was one of the more popular places for Barden students to hang out at, so it was pretty much a guarantee you'd run into another student there.

"Ready, ladies?" Chloe said, already eagerly opening the door.

The girls all filed out as Chloe held the door, and Beca walked out last. As she passed Chloe, the redhead grabbed her wrist. She leaned in to Beca, so close that she could smell her cherry lipgloss.

"You look really good tonight." Chloe whispered.

"You too, Chlo." Beca awkwardly responded. She was trying to keep her cool, but chills ran down her spine the second Chloe said that. Despite how often Chloe complemented Beca, she was still just as stunned every time.

"You guys coming?" Amy shouted from the curb. The rest of the girls were outside while Beca and Chloe exchanged longing stares in the doorway.

"Yep!" Chloe said, whipping her gaze away from Beca.

They began to walk to the club, which was just a couple blocks from the Bella house.

Just as expected, the bar was filled with Barden students. The girls split up once they entered the bar and began chatting with their other peers. The only two who didn't split up were Beca and Chloe. Beca typically followed Chloe around like a puppy at any social event, so it wasn't out of the ordinary. They partied together for a couple hours before Chloe got a little too tired. She wasn't drinking, so she wasn't feeling as up to partying as usual.

"I think I should head home." Chloe said over the music.

"Already? It's early!" Beca pleaded.

"You stay, I'll take a nap and then be up when you get home." Chloe explained.

Beca was nervous to be there without Chloe around, but she agreed. The only reason she didn't go back right then with Chloe was because she didn't trust themselves at home alone. There had been many nights in the past when the other girls were around that they had become a little more than friends. Nothing ever went past cuddling and a couple kisses, but Beca didn't know what would happen if they had the house to themselves. She didn't want to risk their friendship by going too far, so staying at the bar sounded like a good idea to her.

"You ready, Chlo?" Stacie said.

"I'll be waiting!" Chloe said to Beca as she was pulled away by Stacie.

Almost immediately after Chloe left, Beca heard some guys talking about her.

"Dude that redhead is so hot." One guy said.

"She's in my lit class. Her ass is so fat." His friend responded.

Beca was disgusted by the way they were talking about Chloe. She was just about to walk away, but they made one last comment that made her stay.

"I bet I can bang her by the end of the semester. I heard she's so easy." The guy said.

Beca whipped around to face them, pure anger running through her. She couldn't stand to listen to them talk about her Chloe like that.

"Hey, asshole!" Beca said.

Before she knew what she was doing, her fist flung into the guy's face.

"Fuck!" Beca muttered, holding her now-throbbing fist.

The boys stood there stunned, probably because they didn't think such a small girl could pack a punch.

"Alright, let's go." A deep voice said. Beca felt her arm being gripped by a strong hand. She looked up to see a security guard. He dragged her out of the bar, and next thing she knew she was at the station.

"You're seriously going to arrest me?" Beca asked the officer.

"Calm down. We're required to bring you here after causing violence. Just have someone pick you up, ok?" The officer said sternly.

Beca reached for her phone and called the only person she could think of.

"Beca?" Chloe said on the other end. Beca could tell she had just woken up.

"Hey, I need you to pick me up." Beca said.

"From?" Chloe asked.

A moment of silence passed. Beca didn't want to admit where she was, but obviously she had to.

"The police station." Beca practically whispered.

"The police station?!" Chloe repeated.

"I'll explain in the car. Please?" Beca said.

"I'll be there in 10. Jesus, Becs." Chloe responded before hanging up.

Beca sat, patiently waiting for Chloe to arrive. When she finally did, Beca was able to check out and head home.

"Beca what the hell happened?" Chloe asked the second Beca got in.

"I punched someone." Beca replied.

"You got arrested for a bar fight?! Listen Becs, I know you've got that whole angsty thing going on, but serio–"

"Chloe. I wasn't arrested." Beca interrupted.

"You still ended up at the police station." Chloe argued.

"Would you like to know why I punched him?" Beca asked.

"Enlighten me." Chloe said sarcastically. She couldn't help but be angry about the situation. Mostly because she knew it out Beca in danger.

"These two douchebags were talking about your butt and how they're gonna fuck you. It was disgusting." Beca explained. She purposely left out the part about them calling her easy.

Chloe broke out into a smile, which was not the reaction Beca was expecting.

"You stood up for me?" Chloe asked.

"Of course I did." Beca replied.

The rest of the car ride remained pretty quiet. At every stoplight they hit, Chloe would turn her gaze away from the road to Beca. She couldn't stop thinking about how much she loved her, especially after what she did tonight. She hated how irresponsible Beca was, but she knew it was out of love.

"Can you stop looking at me like that?" Beca asked.

"Like what?" Chloe batted her long eyelashes.

"Nevermind." Beca said, turning away before Chloe could see her rosy cheeks.

"Like I want to kiss you?" Chloe blurted.

"What?" Beca giggled.

Chloe didn't respond as she pulled into the driveway. Once the car was parked, she turned to pull Beca in for a kiss.

"Still don't want me to look at you like that?" Chloe said as she pulled away from Beca's lips.

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