Start of Something New

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Chloe had been a part of the Barden Bellas ever since her freshman year. Those girls were her family, and she really didn't have any friends outside of the group. There was this one girl though, Beca, who Chloe liked to think of as a friend.

Beca and Chloe were in the same chemistry class, and they had been assigned as each other's lab partners. They were complete opposites, but Chloe found their time spent together refreshing. Beca kept to herself, and she never delved into the whole college party scene. This meant she didn't know a ton of people, but Beca was ok with that. Chloe on the other hand was liked by everyone. Her bubbly personality was so inviting, it was hard not to click with her. If Beca and Chloe weren't forced to work together, they would never have crossed paths.

The reason Chloe found her conversations with Beca so refreshing was because they were never about a cappella. Since Chloe spent so much time around the Bellas, she rarely got a break from talking about singing. With Beca, who cared nothing about a cappella, Chloe could talk about regular college things.

Chloe sat at her desk attempting to study for an upcoming exam, when a call interrupted her. She picked up the phone to hear Aubrey, her co-leader of the Bellas, yelling at her.

"Chloe how could you? I can not believe this!" Aubrey yelled.

"Woah woah Aubrey slow down! What did I do?" Chloe said concerned.

"You hooked up with a Treble!"

That was the one rule for the Bellas: no relations with a Treblemaker. Chloe was notorious for her one night stands and random hookups, so it was almost surprising this didn't happen sooner. At one of the a cappella parties on campus, Chloe had gotten carried away with a guy named Max who happened to be a forbidden Treble. They both agreed it would stay a secret, but Chloe should have known Aubrey would find out eventually.

"Aubrey I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen! We just–"

"Save it, Chloe. You realize what I have to do, right?" Aubrey said in a stern voice. What she technically "had to do" was kick Chloe out of the Bellas.

"Aubrey don't. Please." Chloe begged. The Bellas felt like her one purpose, and she couldn't bear to let that go.

Aubrey hung up without another word, leaving Chloe panicking by herself. There wasn't much time to dwell on the issue, because she had chemistry to get to.

When Chloe walked in, she didn't flash her typical big smile toward Beca. Instead, she sat down practically throwing her bag on the floor without a word.

"Hi to you too." Beca said sarcastically. She couldn't tell how upset Chloe really was.

"Hey." She responded dryly. This was so unlike her, and Beca knew that.

"I heard there's a big performance coming up. You excited?" Beca asked.

Chloe pointed up front to show she was trying to listen to the professor, something she never did. Beca quickly gave up trying to talk, mostly because she became anxious Chloe was mad at her for something. She always got in her head about stuff like that, and it was one of the reasons she was so reserved in the first place.

Halfway through class, right before their lab started, Chloe asked to use the bathroom. She never returned, and Beca was left to do the lab alone.

Later that evening, Beca got up the courage to text Chloe about what was going on earlier. They only used their numbers to text about chemistry, but it was clear something was really wrong. Chloe always wanted to talk to Beca.

Beca: Hi Chloe, it's Beca from chemistry. Just wondering if everything is ok since you left class early. Also if you need any of the lab work from today I can send it over.

She kept it simple, but it still made her nervous she was overstepping. She wondered why she even cared so much. Especially since they were strictly lab partners, nothing more.

After some time had passed, Beca couldn't stop thinking about the text. There was still no reply, so maybe Chloe really was mad at her. The brunette was sitting in bed listening to music to distract herself when her phone buzzed.

Chloe: Actually, I got some pretty bad news today. This sounds crazy, but you're the only person I can talk to about it. Can you meet me on the quad in 10? :)

Beca couldn't believe what she had just read. She also couldn't believe it caused such a big smile on her face. Over the semester, Beca had realized she had a little crush on Chloe, but she convinced herself it was nothing more than finding her attractive. It'd be hard not to with her gorgeous red hair and ocean blue eyes, but Beca still repressed the crush as much as possible. It's not like she'd ever act on it, anyways.

Beca: See you then :)

Soon enough, Beca found herself wondering the quad looking for Chloe.

"Beca!" Chloe said from a picnic table about 40 feet away.

Beca sat down, still unsure how to approach the conversation. They had never talked about anything serious before, so this felt weird. She didn't have to worry for very long, because Chloe started talking almost immediately.

"Thanks for coming here. I know it's kind of weird, but you really are the only one I can talk to. It's about the Bellas, and I know, you don't care about that stuff. It's just that," tears formed in her eyes, "I got kicked out."

"What? Why? You love that group. Why would they kick you?" Beca cared more than she ever thought she could about a cappella. It was more that she cared about Chloe, but still.

"I hooked up with a Treble. That's like the number one rule when you become a Bella. Never hook up with a Treblemaker, but I did!" Chloe put her head in her hands.

"Can't you reason at all? They can't really go on without you."

"I've told you how Aubrey is. She'll never let me back... Beca, they're all I have. All I had. I have nothing now. I am nothing now." Tears were streaming down her cheeks at this point. It sounds silly, but this group really did mean the world to Chloe.

"Hey no don't say that. You have," Beca paused for a moment, "you have me." She reached out her hand to hold Chloe's. It was so unlike her to be this bold, but she was inexperienced with comforting people. This was all she could think to do.

"You don't have to say that, Beca. We're lab partners. I shouldn't have asked you to come out here. I know it was weird." Her blue eyes, glossed over with tears, stared up at Beca.

"Chloe, stop. We are lab partners, but we could also be friends." Beca's face cringed at the cheesy line that just came out.

"Really?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, and just so you know, you don't need the Bellas. I think you're cool either way." Beca blushed at the words coming out. More things she found cheesy, but she didn't really care.

"Then let's hang out sometime. Maybe do something that doesn't include a lab station or me crying." Chloe giggled as she wiped her remaining tears.

Beca nodded, and the girls eventually parted ways. This would be the start of something new.

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