Stuck In Boston

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Beca and Chloe dated for a little more than two years before breaking up. They ended on good terms and only really broke up because of distance. Chloe was graduating and moving to Boston, and Beca would still be in Louisiana for school. They kept in touch a little bit when it had to do with other Bellas, but it was always awkward. They never would willingly hang out unless it was a Bella event. After Beca's senior year, her first year without Chloe, she was moving back with her mom for a while. Her mom lived up in New Hampshire in a small town.


Beca was heading out to her mom's place this afternoon. She had a flight into Boston, and then would be driving a couple hours to Keene, NH where her mom lived.

"When does your flight come in?" Beca's mom, Andrea, asked over the phone.

"I should be in by 9pm. Which means I really should get going because my flight leaves soon." Beca replied.

"Ok, I'll see you around 11:30 then. Love you, Beca."

Beca hung up and grabbed her bags. She called an Uber to bring her to the airport before heading down to the lobby of her apartment. The flight went smooth, and she eventually landed in Boston. When her phone got hooked up to data again, she saw a bunch of missed texts from her mom.

Mom: Beca watch the storms once you land.

Mom: They're saying not to drive as of now because of the rain.

Mom: Call me when you land please.

She glanced over to a TV in the airport that was on the weather channel. Huge storms had been passing through Massachusetts all evening, and there were lots of weather warnings. Just as Beca's mom had asked, she called her while waiting at baggage claim.

"Hi honey, I'm glad your flight landed safely."

"Me too, but now what? They're saying people shouldn't be on the roads until possibly tomorrow night." Beca said.

"I definitely don't want you driving in this. Why don't you get a hotel in Boston, somewhere within ten minutes. Stay the night there and we can reconvene in the morning." Her mom reasoned.

"Ok, I'll look into places. Love you."

"Love you too. Be safe."

What Beca didn't tell her mom was that she was too broke to be paying for any hotel right in the heart of Boston. She was a freshly graduated college student, and she knew that slipped her mom's mind. She also knew that her mom would gladly help her out with a hotel if she needed it, but Beca hated asking her parents for help. She did have one other option though: Chloe Beale. She remembered Chloe mentioning that her new apartment would be right by the Boston airport, walking distance even. She knew it might be a little awkward, but it was her only other option. She called up Chloe, praying her number hadn't somehow changed. After a few rings, Chloe's voice finally came through the phone.


"Hey, Chloe. I know this is super weird and horribly late notice, but you're the only person I know in Boston. I just landed here because I'm supposed to be driving up to New Hampshire to see my mom, but I can't make the drive in this rain." Beca rambled.

Before she could continue, Chloe cut her off.

"Wait, you're in Boston?"

"Yes. I need a place to stay tonight, and I know it's a lot to ask, but can I stay at your place? It'll just be one night, and I promise I'll be no bother."

"Beca, you're never a bother. Of course you can stay with me. I'll text you my address, and you can order an Uber to me. I'm less than five minutes from the airport."

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