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Based off the retreat in PP2!

It was 11:00pm, and the Bellas had settled in for bed in their tent. Sleeping quarters were tight, so the girls squeezed in shoulder-to-shoulder. As the other girls began to fall asleep, Chloe and Beca started whispering to each other.

"Why are we here?" Beca said tensely.

"Because we're going to become a team again. Don't you want that?" Chloe whispered back.

"I don't want to be in a tent right now." Beca said as she turned her back to Chloe.

Chloe didn't know where to go from there, but after a moment she tapped Beca's shoulder. The brunette turned just her head back to face Chloe.

"Yes?" Beca said, clearly annoyed.

"I want to show you something. Follow me." Chloe said before getting up and out of the tent.

Beca reluctantly followed behind. Chloe started walking through some trails at the retreat, and she clearly had a destination in mind.

"Where are we going, Chlo?" Beca asked.

"You'll see. We're close." Chloe said as she continued on the path.

Beca sighed. She was half-asleep by this point, but she was intrigued by Chloe's mystery hike.

"Tah-dah!" Chloe said as they reached a clearing.

They were in a circular area cleared out that overlooked the whole bluff they were on. It was dark, but you could still see the beautiful view.

"I came out here last night and watched the stars. It's super pretty, so I wanted to share it with someone. With you." Chloe said blushing. She always got nervous around Beca because of her secret crush she had on the girl.

"It's great, Chlo." Beca said smiling.

Chloe walked a little closer to the edge to sit down. She leaned back to stare at the night sky, and soon enough Beca joined her. They stared at the stars for what felt like hours, and they barely said anything to one another.

"Beca? I'm scared to move on." Chloe said quietly.

"I know." Beca said, still keeping her eyes in the sky.

"I just don't want to leave the other girls. And you." Chloe said, blushing again.

"You keep doing that. You say something, single me out, and then your face gets all red." Beca teased.

"I'm just nervous..." The redhead said.

"Around me?"

"No. Well, yes. Beca, you mean the world to me. You really do. I know we've been friends for the past few years, but I w–"

Beca leaned over to kiss Chloe mid-sentence. The other girl pulled away for a moment, shocked at what had happened. She quickly returned to the kiss while she held Beca's cheek in her hand. Beca wrapped her arms around the older girls neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss.

After their passion took a break, the girls stared at the stars again. They were nervous, yet so sure of themselves. Kissing felt like the most right thing in the world, but it felt surreal at the same time.

"What did we just do?" Chloe said smiling.

"We're just stargazing." Beca said with a wink.

The girls eventually headed back to the tent, giddy about their night on the bluff. They snuggled into their spots in the tent, but Chloe pressed herself close to Beca this time. The girls quickly fell asleep, both content to be in each other's arms.

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