The Songbook

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Story idea from @motelsvibes !!

Ever since they graduated, Beca, Amy, and Chloe have shared an apartment in LA. Beca initially chose to migrate there in order for her music career to take off, and the others followed. Beca wasn't the least bit opposed to this, especially if it meant more time for her to confess her feelings for Chloe. Their entire four years together at Barden weren't enough, so she hoped that within a year or two more she could finally grow the balls.


"Why are you up so late?" Amy said as she walked in. It was close to 2am, and Beca was still out on the couch on her laptop.

"Work." Beca replied dryly.

"What's so important this late?" Amy asked.

"My boss wants me to try writing my own stuff. Instead of making my mash ups or whatever."

"Can't think of anything?"

"Well," Beca sighed, "the problem is more what I'm thinking."

"Go on." Amy said, grabbing a beer from the fridge and taking a seat.

"Every lyric I write down is about... her." Beca said, pointing toward the bedroom Chloe was peacefully asleep in.

Amy was the only soul Beca had told about her feelings for Chloe. She would've gone insane keeping it all to herself, and she trusted Amy.

"The words haven't stopped flowing all night. I've filled up almost my entire journal with stupid love songs." Beca continued.

"Well why can't you submit that to your boss?"

"Because if it ends up getting produced– which is the goal– Chloe would immediately know it's about her. The stuff I'm writing is pretty obvious."

"Let me read one of them. I'll be the judge of whether it's obvious or not." Amy said. She grabbed the journal off of the table without waiting for permission.

"I want to ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead... Chloe, darling, you're my best friend." Amy read aloud.

Beca cringed at hearing the lyrics. They sounded even more overt when someone else was reading them.

"Just change all of the Chloes to another name! Or get rid of the name all together!" Amy offered.

"I guess that could apply to anyone without the name in there. Thanks, Ames." Beca said.

"I always have the best advice, Mitchell!" Amy said before leaving the room.

The next day...

Chloe woke up around 10am, awhile after Beca and Amy had both left for work. She had a day off today, so her plans consisted of watching Friends reruns and eating ice cream. When she headed to the living room to turn on the TV, she noticed Beca's journal lying on the table. She knew by the title "Songbook" written on the cover that it must be for work. Chloe decided to text Beca and ask if it was something she needed.

Chloe: Hey Becs! You left your songbook here, want me to bring it over to work?

Beca: I don't need it, but please don't open it.

Chloe: Why?

Beca: I want it to be a surprise.

That was the best cover up Beca could think of. She instantly regretted telling Chloe not to open it. Beca knew her well enough to know she never dropped things like that, so she'd have to make up some fake surprise now. She also should've known that Chloe hates surprises. That being said, Chloe immediately opened the book. She began flipping through pages, skimming each one briefly. She picked up that they were all love songs, but she was still oblivious that she was the muse. Then, she flipped to the song that mentioned her name. Seeing "Chloe" on the page caught her eye, and she began reading.

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