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It had been five entire years since Beca and Chloe had any communication with each other. Chloe described their friendship to have happened "forever ago" to anyone who asked. Beca resorted to just blocking their times together out completely. It helped her make their years apart feel slightly less like hell. Although the two women were on the same page about when they stopped talking, they both had different perspectives on why this silence started. 

Beca's Perspective

It was right after Beca performed at the USO tour, and the Bellas were all backstage. There were lots of tears, and even more hugs between the girls. Everyone was reflecting on their years together as the Bellas, while also getting excited for the new unique lives ahead of them. Right as Beca was about to admit that she'd be moving to LA the next morning for her new record deal, Chicago burst through the curtain. He swept Chloe away, leaving Beca no chance to tell her the news. Later that night, Chloe came into her and Beca's shared hotel room. She was clearly in a hurry, grabbing a couple things like a toothbrush, pajamas, etc. When Beca asked if she had a second to talk, Chloe explained how Chicago was waiting for her in the hallway and asked if the conversation could wait. Even though Beca knew the conversation couldn't wait, that moment had confirmed that Chloe chose Chicago over her. She was too angry to beg Chloe to hear her out, so she let her walk out the door.

Chloe's Perspective

When Chicago came behind the curtain, Chloe was instantly caught up in him. Chloe loved connecting with other people, so new relationships excited her more than anything. She figured since she'd see the girls the next day, she could spend some time with Chicago that night. After grabbing some drinks together and walking on the nearby boardwalk, Chicago asked if she wanted to spend the night in his room. She happily agreed, and they headed back to the hotel. Chloe realized she needed to grab some overnight things from her own room first, and that's when she walked in on a very moody Beca. She asked to talk, but Chloe had another commitment to get to. Plus, she knew she'd see Beca the next morning. It wasn't until breakfast the next morning that Chloe realized Beca had left without a goodbye.

Chloe and Beca were pissed at each other initially because they both thought the other woman blew them off. Eventually that anger turned into sadness when the two stopped talking completely. Beca being the pessimist she is just assumed Chloe was happy with Chicago and didn't need her around anymore. Chloe was just stubborn, so she wasn't going to be the one to break the silence.

Now that Beca had been lonely in LA for five years, her music career had really taken off. Her songs were starting to play on the radio, and talk shows were even asking for interviews. Being in the spotlight didn't mix well with her anxiety, but she knew it was good for her exposure. This morning was an interview on Good Morning America. GMA used to play every morning at the Bella house because it was crucial to Chloe's mornings. Beca prayed that was a retired habit so that Chloe wouldn't hear her newest song when they play it on TV.

Opposite of what Beca had hoped, Chloe still loved GMA. She grabbed her smoothie and a piece of toast before hopping on the couch to watch. Right as she turned on the TV, Beca was being announced.

"And now, Beca Mitchell everybody!" The host said.

Chloe just about spit out her toast. Was it really her? Just as she wondered if there was possibly another famous Beca Mitchell out there, the Beca she used to know walked on set. The interviewers and Beca greeted each other before quickly jumping into the music stuff.

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