Sendrick Pt. 2

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Everyone asked for a part two, but sorry it's kind of short! If you guys like it I can maybe start a new story of just Sendrick one shots :)

Later that night...

The second Rebel walked in earlier, my whole body ached with regret. It wasn't that I didn't want to be with Britt like that, but I just knew it was so wrong. It didn't matter that Maddie said we were on a break. It was a break, not a break up, and I barely lasted 20 minutes before getting with someone else.

I ran back to my own room after Rebel said Maddie sounded mad. I also felt bad about that because of the way I left Brittany. I know she understands, but she just sat on the bed so hopelessly as I bolted. Maddie wouldn't stop calling me, but I couldn't do that right now. I knew the second I heard her voice I would break down from guilt, so texting was the best option at this point.

Anna: Maddie I can't call. Please just txt me.

Maddie: Call. Me. Anna.

Anna: Why did you text me so much earlier?

Maddie: Why didn't you answer me?

"Because my hands were down another girl's pants" probably isn't a good response.

Anna: I didn't hear my phone going off.

Maddie: Why did Rebel freak and hang up on me?

Anna: Idk. Ask her.

Maddie: She's ignoring me.

Anna: Can I call you tomorrow? I need sleep :/

Maddie: Sure

"Sure"? What kind of response is that? I know I ended the conversation pretty abruptly, but seriously no goodnight or love you?

I got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom. I still needed to take my makeup off and brush my teeth before bed. As I rustled through my bag to find face wash, there was a knock at my door. I looked out the peephole to see Brittany standing in her pajamas. I opened the door and let her inside.

"Hey." She said.


"Did you get a hold of Maddie?"


I think she knew when I didn't elaborate that it wasn't anything worth talking about.

"So, uh... can I spend the night?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Britt, I really can–"

"We won't do anything, I promise. It will just be like one of our regular ole sleepovers. I just am a little shaken up still by everything that happened earlier, and I can't sleep."

"I guess I'll probably have trouble sleeping alone too... I'll be out of the bathroom in a couple of minutes." I complied.

I heard Brittany climb into the hotel bed, and I'm ashamed to admit I started getting ready for bed quicker. I knew we shouldn't– wouldn't– do anything, but I just wanted to feel her touch again. I quickly brushed my teeth and threw on a big tee shirt. Britt was wearing this cute little pink silky set, but I knew she wouldn't judge my lack of fashionable pajamas.

Brittany hummed softly when I crawled in next to her. I purposely laid facing opposite of her to keep the temptation at a low. She ruined that by turning toward my back and wrapping her slender arms around my waist. I scooted back slightly into her, going against every boundary I set in my head. I felt her very timidly slide her hands underneath my shirt and rub them near the waistband of my panties.

"Britt." I whispered through heavy breathing.

"We aren't doing anything. This is just a friendly cuddle."

"It's not going to stay friendly if you keep teasing me like that. You know how easily influenced I am." I joked. But I was serious about it not staying friendly. I didn't trust either of us in that department.

"This is so hard." She whispered, removing her hands from my stomach. She now placed them on my shoulders and began a back rub.

"Just until I figure things out with Mads. Then we can finish what we started earlier."

"Mmm I don't want to wait." She moaned.

"This is killing me, Britt. You're killing me." I whispered.

She wrapped her arms around me again, but this time she kept them above my shirt. I melted into her arms, falling into a lull from the rhythm of her breathing.

"We already kissed once..." Brittany whispered, tracing her index finger on my chest.

I sighed. I couldn't admit that I wanted to kiss her again too, but I didn't allow myself to tell her no again. I felt her breath get warmer on my neck– she was getting closer. Her soft bottom lip grazed the part of my neck behind my ear. I let out a sharp gasp, mostly because that same stupid chill appeared. Brittany laid a few soft kisses upon my neck, inching as close as she could to my actual face. I knew I couldn't turn toward her without compromising the pact I made with myself. I couldn't be with Britt until I officially ended things with Maddie.

"Look at me." She whispered.

"I can't."

"I won't kiss you."

"But I will."

"Just turn, Kendrick."

I smirked at the use of my nickname and reluctantly rolled over to face her.

"You know, we're still filming for over another month." I said.


"Just make it easy on me for this one night. After that we've got like... 40 or so more nights left in this hotel."

"Deal. I've waited three years, what's another day?" She said before turning away from me and shutting her eyes.


No response.

"Britt? Three years?"

I heard fake heavy breathing come from her. She knew I caught what she said, but I'll let her pretend this whole fake-sleeping thing worked.

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