I Can't Be Him

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Writing from Beca's POV again bc it's a little bit easier lol but italicized parts are 3rd person!

Beca and Chloe spent all of their years at Barden yearning for each others love. At first they didn't even realize it, and they brushed it off as being good friends. Even when they both had come to their senses, neither girl ever admitted feelings. It wasn't until the USO tour when Beca saw Chloe kissing Chicago that she ever thought about actually telling Chloe how she felt. The problem with that was Beca seeing how happy Chloe was with Chicago. They quickly started dating after the tour, and Chloe fell in love with him. Beca was jealous, but she would never ruin something that was that special to Chloe. At least not on purpose... One night when Amy, Beca, and Chloe had all been drinking, Chloe brought up marriage with Chicago. She told them that she saw the ring, and she was planning to say yes when he finally asked. Beca then drunkenly admitted how much she loved Chloe and practically begged her not to marry Chicago. The next day they had a sober conversation about it, and Chloe agreed to be with Beca. It was a big shock for her to leave Chicago behind, but Beca was all she had wanted for the past nine years. Now Beca and Chloe had been dating for about six months, and they still lived in their Brooklyn apartment with Amy.

"Awe Becs, look how cute they are!" Chloe said, tugging on my arm like a little kid. She pointed to a family walking ahead of us on the sidewalk. There was a woman, a man, and two little kids running along side them. It was the "picture perfect" family.

"They're cute!" I said, sounding a bit more sarcastic than I meant to.

I knew she sensed my tone because she dropped my arm and sighed.

"I know you don't like kids, but cmon!" She said.

"I said they were cute, Chlo."

"Don't sound too excited!" She teased.

We reached the building and headed up to our apartment. Amy was out for the afternoon, so we had the place to ourselves for once.

Chloe threw her coat on the ground and ran over to the couch. I picked up her coat to hang it up along with my own. I headed to the fridge to grab a soda.

"Want one?" I ask from the kitchen.

"Nope! No time for soda!" Chloe exclaimed. She had that stupid grin on her face that made me melt.

"No time?" I smirked, setting my drink on the coffee table before I sat down next to Chloe on the couch.

"Wellll, Amy is rarely gone. I feel like we should be making the most of this time, right?" She said, climbing on top of me.

Everything about her was so captivating. The way her red hair shone in the sun from the window, or how her blue eyes sparkled in even the dullest lighting. I could stare at her forever.

"Thinking about something?" She asked, running her fingers through my hair. I must've got a little too caught up in her beauty.

"Just you."

"I was thinking too," she said.



"This again?" I say. So much for making the most of this time.

"Why are you so against it? You know how much I want to have a family, Becs," she said while scooting off of me.

"Let's not talk about this right now. Remember making the most of this?" I say, trying to avoid this conversation.

"Beca why can't you ever talk about the future? Not just the baby thing, but anything! It's like you're scared to be with me," she said.

"I am scared!" I snap. I didn't mean to sound like that. Shit.

"What?" She sounded hurt.

"Not of being with you. Well... I don't know. Kind of," I mumbled.

"Tell me."

"It's just that I remember how excited you were with Chicago. He was like your golden ticket to your ideal life, Chlo. He was going to buy you a big house with a big backyard. Big enough for all of your kids to run around in. He was planning the most perfect wedding for you guys," I paused to try to gauge her reaction. For once in my life, I couldn't. She just stared at me.

"And he's a man," I finish.

"What does this have to do with anything? I'm with you now," she finally said.

"I can't give you any of those things, Chlo. I can't give you your ideal life," I choke out. I could feel my eyes stinging with tears. I couldn't cry, I wouldn't.

"Beca, everyday with you is my ideal life. I know we haven't been dating long, but I don't plan for this to end any time soon. I don't plan on it ever ending for that matter."

"I just hate that I can't be him."

"I don't want you to be him. I want you to be you. Sure, we don't live in a cookie-cutter home in the suburbs, but this is just as good. Anywhere with you is good," Chloe said.

"All I ever want to do is make you happy, Chlo. I saw how you looked at that family ahead of us," I said, feeling a tear fall down my cheek.

"You also know that get excited about every little thing, Becs. And that I've had baby fever since graduation," She said, cracking a small smile.

I took a deep breath and surveyed my options to respond. I knew I wanted to give Chloe everything she wanted in life and more, so if that meant a baby... so be it.

"Let's do it, Chlo," I said.

"Do what?"

"Let's have a baby! I mean we can adopt, we could get a sperm don-"

"Beca, you know I don't want a baby right now, right?" Chloe asked with amusement on her face.

"B- but you said you had baby fever," I stammered.

"Becs, that's an expression! It's like when you see someone with a baby, so you think you want one too," Chloe explained between giggles.

"Oh thank god! We're not even married, and I was really worried if we have enough space for a crib in here," I said.

"We could be," Chloe said softly.

"Could be what?" I asked.

"Married. You know, if you say yes and all," Chloe said with a smirk.

She got down on one knee and stared up at me with those giant blue eyes.

"Wanna get married?" Chloe asked as if it was a mundane question.

"Oh my god... Yes. Yes!" I said, exasperated with shock.

"I know there's no ring or anything because this was pretty impromptu," she giggled. "But we'll get them, I promise."

"All of the rings in the world couldn't compare to this moment," I said.

I leaned forward to grab her hands and pull her back to the couch. Without a moment to take in everything that had happened, I pulled Chloe in for a kiss. It was different from the hundreds of other kisses we had shared. This kiss was a magical, enchanted kind of kiss.

Chloe pulled away slightly so that our faces were still centimeters apart.

"You really would have had a baby right now?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah, if that was what you really wanted. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't relieved to hear it didn't need to happen right now, but yeah I would have," I said.

Chloe didn't say anything else. She just leaned into the same magical kiss from moments before, and we melted into one another.

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