Irresistible (part 1)

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I had to split this into 2 parts because it ended up being longer than I thought, and I think it makes more sense being split up anyways!

This one shot takes place when Beca and Chloe are seniors in high school. They've been dating for about 2 years at this point. Basically imagine their whole college relationship, but throughout high school instead. Hope you enjoy!

It was the middle of May, and the school year was coming to an end. Beca walked through the door of her house to see mail from the University of Oregon, the college she'd be attending next fall, sitting on the counter. Seeing it was just another reminder she'd be moving across the country in just a few months. Across the country not only from her family, but from her best friend/love of her life, Chloe Beale.

Chloe would be almost 3,000 miles away from Beca at Syracuse University next year. They both grew up in Rochester, NY, so Chloe would be staying pretty close to home. Both girls knew it would be hard being apart, but neither wanted their relationship to get between their education. Beca and Chloe had been attached at the hip ever since they met freshman year. They didn't actually start dating until the summer going into junior year, but they may as well have been.

Beca went up to her room and flopped onto her bed. She went on her phone in hopes to distract her from the college reminder. After a couple minutes, a call from Chloe popped up.

"Hey, Chlo." Beca answered.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong? Beca?" Chloe rambled while sounding much more concerned than she should be.

"Woah woah chill Chloe. I'm fine." Beca rolled her eyes on the other end of the phone at Chloe's concern. This was typical of the redhead, so Beca had learned to just brush it off.

"Well you don't sound fine. Can I come over?" Chloe said eagerly. Beca could feel her wide smile gleaming through the phone.

"Yeah sure. See you in 5." Beca said before hanging up the phone. Chloe lived just a few blocks down, so Beca knew it wouldn't be long before she came through the door.

Just as she expected, around five minutes later Chloe burst through the door and ran up the stairs. Beca could hear her footsteps getting closer, and soon enough, her bedroom door was being shoved open.

"Hi!" Chloe said in her usual bubbly tone.

"Hey." Beca replied. The brunette always had a more unenthusiastic voice, but Chloe could tell something was up.

"Something is wrong, Becs. I can tell, so spill." Chloe said as she took a seat next to Beca on the bed.

"I've just been thinking about us." Beca said with her eyes glued to the blanket she's had since she was a kid. One more reminder of her childhood she'd be leaving behind soon.

"Us? Are you not happy?" Chloe said overly concerned. Again.

"No! I mean, yes! I am happy. It's just college..." Her voice trailed off.

"Oh." Chloe said softly. They let silence fill the room as they both dwelled on the fact they'd be moving away soon.

Beca and Chloe talked about everything. Nothing was unspoken, and they kept zero secrets from each other. Except their thoughts about their relationship during college. Chloe wanted to do long distance, and Beca didn't know what to do.

Eventually, Chloe broke the silence. She was usually the one to open up first, anyways.

"I think we can make it work. Make us work. You know, people do long distance all the time." Chloe said optimistically. Her bright-blue eyes tried to find Beca's, but they were still stuck looking down.

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