Can I Tell You Something?

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Written from Beca's POV!

"Mint chocolate or cookie dough?" Chloe shouted from the kitchen.

It was Thursday night, and we had both just finished our last finals today. The original plan was to celebrate with drinks at the bar, but both of us were too tired. I always enjoyed a night in with Chloe more than going out anyways. Especially because tonight was the night I was finally going to tell her how I feel. It's junior year, and I've had a crush on Chloe since I met her in freshman year. We've always felt a little too close to just be friends, but nothing was ever confirmed.

"Cookie dough please!" I responded. I laid out a ton of blankets on the couch and began browsing Netflix for a good movie.

Chloe came out of the kitchen with two bowls of ice cream, one with mint and the other with cookie dough.

"Beca don't be mad at me, but can we please watch When Harry Met Sally?" Chloe asked.

She always wanted to watch that movie, but I never said no. I just wanted her to be happy, even if it meant rewatching the same cheesy romcom every weekend.

"You're killing me, Beale!" I teased.

"You love me!"

I did. I loved her a lot, but that's not the easiest thing to admit.

We put on the movie and got snuggled into the blankets with our ice cream. Chloe laid her head on my shoulder, unaware of how much I was freaking out.

About half way into the movie, Chloe turned to me.

"I need to tell you something." She said.

Does she feel the same? No. I'm overthinking. She stared at me with those stupidly gorgeous blue eyes, and all of the thoughts went out of my brain. I probably looked like an idiot just staring at her.


"Yes. Yeah. Tell me. When you're done, I have something to tell you too." I stuttered. No backing out now.

"Well, I think Aubrey and Stacie are going to break up. Bree told me the relationship is really getting in the way of their friendship." Chloe said.

Well, that was disappointing.

"Really? They seem so happy." I said.

"Yeah, I guess things went downhill pretty suddenly. I'm just so glad me and you are friends and don't have to deal with all of that relationship stuff." Chloe said.

My heart sank. The girl I've loved secretly for three years just practically rejected me. I always knew there was a chance she didn't like me back, but I never had that confirmed. Whatever hope I had though was now gone.


"Sorry." I said. I had zoned out again, this time in a much worse mood.

"Did I say something?"

"No. Let's watch the movie." I said. I couldn't look at her anymore. Not without getting tears in my eyes.

"You said you needed to tell me something though."

"I forgot what I was going to say." I said, keeping my eyes glued to the TV.

"No you didn't. Tell me."

Chloe always knew when I was lying. I really couldn't deal with this right now though.

"It's nothing, Chlo. Ok?"

"Ok." She said softly. I could tell I hurt her when I snapped.

"I'm sorry." I said, squeezing her quickly in a hug.

"It's ok. You don't have to tell me."

"I can. I just don't want you to freak out."

"I won't." Chloe said, pausing the movie.

I sighed. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought it would. Again, I was encapsulated by her eyes and the way they sparkled in the light. It made me want to tell her I love her. It made me want to lift her off this couch and kiss her forever. But I can't do any of that. I have to tell her like I barely care.

"What I was going to say earlier is that I like you. And I know that sounds stupid, or childish, but it's true. I have a crush on you, Chloe Beale."

"Oh." Chloe said.

She responded as if I had told her it was raining outside. What I said was not mundane. Why did she respond as if it was? My heart was racing a mile a minute now.

"I knew I would freak you out. I'm sorry." I mumbled. I stood up from the couch, wanting to just lay in my bed and shut everything out. I can't believe I just ruined the best friendship I've ever had over a stupid crush.

"Wait." Chloe said, grabbing my hand to pull me back. I fell back onto the couch, now confused more than anything.

I didn't want her pity. Chloe was notorious for saying anything to make me feel better, even if it wasn't true. Half the time it was helpful, the other half it pissed me off. This was one of the times it pissed me off. I just wanted her to tell me I never mattered to her. It would make it so much easier than to have to know I also hurt her by ruining our friendship.

"I love you too, Becs." She said, staring into my eyes.

"You just said you were glad we were just friends."

"Followed by saying we don't have to deal with relationship stuff. Who would say that to their friend if they didn't have thoughts of being more? I just wanted to gauge your reaction, but maybe that was stupid." She said.

"It was." I teased. Part of me wasn't joking though. The past twenty minutes have been a rollercoaster of emotions.

"Well now that we both know..." Chloe said, climbing on top of my lap. She straddled me and I placed my hands on her waist. The tight blue tank top shaped each and every curve of her, and the scoop neck showed off her cleavage. I stared at her perfectly-glossed lips, waiting for the moment they would touch mine.

"So Beale, love huh?" I teased.


"You said you love me. Don't get me wrong, I like you a lot–"

"Shut up and kiss me, Mitchell."

I did what she asked, leaning in slow and carefully. I wanted our first kiss to be perfect. Before it dragged on too long, I pulled away.

"I love you too, Chlo. More than anything."

"Beca Mitchell loves something? So much is changing tonight!" Chloe exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, but the sass didn't last long. I could never stay annoyed at her sarcastic comments when she looks that perfect all the time.

"What does this mean for us, Chlo?"

"It means you're my girlfriend. No ifs, ands, or buts!"

"Someone's bossy!" I teased, inching my lips back towards hers. We didn't kiss, but I could feel her lips form a smile against mine.

"You wanna see bossy?" Chloe smirked.

I gave her a "try me" look, and in no time I was pinned on the couch. Chloe had pushed my shoulders so that I laid back flat on the couch, and she gripped my wrists tightly above my head. Before I knew it she was planting kisses on my body, slowly moving lower as she went. Kissing Chloe was like a dream come true, and dating her was even better.

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