Irresistible (part 2)

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Beca and Chloe spent that entire summer together. They tried their best to forget about Beca going out to Oregon as much as they could, but the date was coming closer and closer. She would be leaving August 18th, and Chloe wouldn't have to move in at Syracuse for about a week after that.

On August 17th, they hung out for the last time as a couple. Chloe took Beca back to their spot at the lookout, and she brought a picnic full of their favorite snacks. It was sunset, Beca's favorite time of the day to go there.

"I can't believe this is it." Chloe said, looking out to the river.

"It's not. We're still going to be close, Chlo. You're my forever." Beca placed her hand on Chloe's shoulder for comfort.

"I know. It just sucks..."

"Promise this won't be the end? I won't give up if you won't."

"Pinky promise." Chloe reached out her pinky to Beca.

She jokingly rolled her eyes, even though she knew the pinky promise was coming. It was one of Chloe's signature gestures, but Beca always pretended to hate it.

Chloe nodded toward her hand as if she was reminding Beca it was there. The brunette entwined her pinky with Chloe's, giving it one solid shake to lock in the promise.

Beca laid her head on Chloe's shoulder, letting her messy brown hair fall into the other girl's red curls. They sat like that, watching the sun go down, without saying any more.

After about twenty minutes of this peaceful silence, Beca heard a stifled sob from Chloe.

"Oh, Chlo..." She wrapped her arms around Chloe. The read head practically melted into Beca as she let more tears fall.

"Don't leave me, Becs." She said in between sniffles.

"Chlo, you know it's inevitabl–"

"I know you're leaving. Just don't leave me. I need you, Becs." She interrupted. Although the words didn't really make sense, Beca knew what she meant.

"I'll never leave you, Chlo. It's just college, and before we know it I'll be back in town for break. Sure, we won't see each other every day, but I have no doubt we'll remain close."

Chloe batted her sparkling blue eyes and managed a small smile in response.

"After all, we did pinky promise." Beca said with a playful shrug. When Chloe was upset it meant something was really wrong, so Beca always tried to lighten the mood. She always thought she was better at that than she was at providing actual comfort.

Eventually, the two headed back home. They said their final goodbyes, which were filled with lots more tears and even more hugs. Beca would be getting on a plane at 5am the next morning, so this was their last chance.

"Love you, Becs." Chloe said before driving away.

"Always and forever, Chlo." Beca responded.

-------------------3 months later-------------------

For the first few weeks of college, Beca and Chloe tried their best to stay in touch. They called frequently and texted all throughout the day. That didn't last long once classes started getting harder and new friendships were made. Nothing actually happened, it was just the inevitable drift of a long distance friendship. They missed each other like crazy, but it almost made it worse trying to hold on.

Now that it was Thanksgiving break, Beca would be visiting home for the first time since she left. Chloe was making the drive home too, but it was a little less dramatic since she didn't move too far in the first place.

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