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About 4 months after meeting, Chloe passed the friendship threshold with Beca.

4 years ago...

It was a cooler night in Louisiana, and the Bellas were having a bonfire at their house. Like any Bella get together, there was drinking involved. Chloe, who they liked to refer to as a "one woman party," was pretty drunk after an hour or so at the fire. She begged Beca to come inside with her and grab a sweatshirt to throw on as the night got colder. Beca, as always, complied and headed inside. Chloe stumbled upstairs to her and Beca's shared room to pick out a hoodie.

"Becaaa where is that one hoodie?" Chloe whined,

"Ah yes, that one hoodie! I love that one!" Beca teased.

Beca was also drunk, but she handled her alcohol much better than Chloe.

"You know, the one that smells like you." Chloe said, disregarding Beca's joke.

Chloe moved closer as she talked about the hoodie. Her eyes never lost contact with Beca's, which happened often. The two were standing in the middle of the room, now just inches apart. Chloe closed the gap even further when she leaned in to Beca's neck and smelled her. Beca was used to her being a little weird, so it wasn't too off putting.

"You smell good." Chloe practically whispered.

"Let's find that sweatshirt, Chlo." Beca said, trying to redirect this clearly tense moment.

What Beca didn't do was move away. Her words said to walk away and finish what they came up here to do, but her actions spoke differently. She stared into Chloe's blue eyes that were looking back equally as intense.

Chloe placed both her hands on Beca's waist and pulled her in. There was no gap left between them anymore. Beca could feel the buzz of alcohol fill her head, and it wasn't helping that she was so entranced by Chloe. In that moment, she had truly realized how beautiful Chloe was. Sure, she had known Chloe was a pretty girl, but tonight was different. Beca was focused on every shiny strand of red hair falling on her shoulders. Every speckle and shade of blue in her eyes was sparkling.

After standing for what felt like hours, Chloe finally leaned down to kiss Beca. They both pulled away, slightly embarrassed and uncertain. That moment of hesitation quickly came to an end when Beca leaned in once more to Chloe's lips. This time the kiss was long and full of passion. It wasn't long until Chloe had pressed Beca against the wall, not wanting to leave any space between them. Their making out escalated, and this whole hoodie thing had turned into a much longer task than intended.

End of flashback

Ever since that night, they had been hooking up periodically. It was never really spoken of, and both of them just chalked it up to being good friends. Deep down they both knew friends didn't do that, but it was hard to admit they were anything else.

The hooking up was never random, though. It would only really happen under three circumstances: something to celebrate, one of them being stressed, or if they were both drunk. They both would find silly reasons to excuse their actions, but it was just easier that way.

It was nearing graduation now, and this weird dynamic had stopped for a while. Around winter break, Chloe had explained how she felt like their relationship was taking a toll on her. She wanted to be Beca's friend more than anything, but the seemingly-meaningless hook ups were beginning to be a strain on their friendship. They mutually agreed to end that part of their relationship, but their friendship hadn't changed in any other way. The girls were still just as close as before, and it was good for them.

Graduation coming up meant finals were also coming up. Beca's dad has been putting tons of pressure on Beca to finish out college strong, so these finals meant a lot to her. She was constantly studying, which meant her and Chloe's room was usually quiet these days. Chloe never minded just sitting and watching Beca study, though.

"Whatcha working on?" Chloe asked while walking into the room.

She set her things on the bed before walking over to where Beca was sitting at her desk.

"Just stats." Beca responded.

Chloe looked over her shoulder to see the textbook in front of Beca.

"Hm. Looks hard." She said, placing her hand on Beca's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's really stressing me out." Beca said.

With that, Chloe used her hand on Beca's shoulder to swivel her chair around. Beca was now sitting to face Chloe rather than her schoolwork, which was a better view by far.

"Stressed, huh?" Chloe asked.

Beca knew what she was implying, but she refused to give in. Chloe used her knee to push Beca's legs apart just enough to stand between. She draped her hands loosely around Beca's shoulders.

"Don't look at me like that." Beca said while stifling a smile.

"Like what?" Chloe asked innocently.

She looked back down to Beca with that same expression she always made before instigating a hook up. She knew exactly what she was doing, and Beca didn't even care at this point. That look alone was enough to fuck Chloe right then. Instead of jumping to that, Beca grabbed Chloe's hips. Her fingers grasped Chloe's upper thighs and pulled her inwards. Beca, still sitting, began to kiss Chloe's torso. She slowly stood up, leaving her hands on the redhead's hips. As she stood, she kissed all the way up until Chloe's lips before she stopped.

"I thought we said we weren't going to do this anymore." Beca said.

"Change of plans." Chloe said while undoing Beca's pants.

Beca gasped as Chloe stuck two fingers down her pants. She rubbed her middle and index finger against the sides of Beca's vagina, feeling her getting more wet with each stroke.

"Still don't want to do this anymore?" Chloe whispered with a soft nibble on the brunette's ear.

"Just shut up and fuck me, Beale." Beca said through heavy breathing.

Chloe took that as the go ahead to stick her fingers inside of Beca. The pulse of Beca's vagina turned her on, and she was feeling just as much pleasure as Beca. Chloe rubbed her thumb in circles on Beca's clit, making the younger girl moan. Beca bit her bottom lip to try and contain her pleasure, but it was no use. Chloe felt too good, and she could feel her orgasm coming. With one last plunge of her fingers, Chloe felt Beca cum. She slid her fingers out, but remained pressed against Beca.

"Fuck, Chlo." Beca moaned, still coming down from her high.

"I missed that." Chloe said.

"Be my girlfriend, Chloe." Beca said as more of a statement than a question.

"What?" Chloe asked.

"We agreed to not do that anymore because it put too much strain on our friendship. Who are we kidding when we say our hook ups were meaningless, though? We both know this is more than a friendship, and I don't want what you just did to me to end." Beca explained in one breath. Confessing her feelings calmly was never her strong suit.

"Beca Mitchell sharing her feelings? Who are you?" Chloe teased.

"Cmon, Chlo. I'm serious."

Chloe answered in the best way she knew how to, with a kiss. She titled Beca's chin upward and locked her lips with the brunette's. Chloe was always an actions-over-words kind of girl, anyways.

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