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I'm writing this from Beca's POV, but not until the actual story starts. Any background info (not in first person) will be in italics. Enjoy!

Beca and Chloe had been pretty close friends during Beca's freshman year at Barden. That was when she was a Barden Bella, but they drifted when she quit after the first year. They still would say hi when crossing paths on campus, but it wasn't the same as before. The other Bellas always described them to be "attached at the hip."

Tonight was one of the frats at Barden's spring mixer. It was basically just a big house party at the frat, and pretty much anyone was invited. Beca's best friend, Jesse, had convinced her to go after endless begging. Chloe of course would be going because she would never miss a chance to party. It was one of the first times they would be in the same room together since they drifted apart, but neither knew the other was going.

"You ready, Bec?" I hear Jesse yell from down the hall.

I can't believe he's dragging me to this party, but I don't have anything else to do. I tell him I'll be out soon and then apply some finishing touches to my makeup. After a couple minutes, I make my way downstairs to see an impatient-Jesse waiting.

"Took you long enough." He said, jokingly rolling his eyes.

He offered me a plastic bottle that I knew was anything but water. We began our walk to the frat and took turns taking swigs from the bottle. The alcohol stung as it went down, but being drunk made walking into this scene a little easier.

"I'm following you around the whole night. You know that, right?" I said to Jesse as we walked in.

I wasn't really close with any other people at Barden, so it's not like I could really float around. Well, I used to be close with Chloe, but that's over. Ever since I quit the Bellas we haven't seen much of each other. I miss her, though.

"Beca?" Jesse asked while waving his hand in my face.

I must have zoned out thinking about Chloe.

"Yes. Sorry, just thinking." I spit out.

"About?" He asked.

Just as I was about to respond with some stupid excuse, bright red curls and a familiar vanilla-scent caught my attention. I diverted my eyes from Jesse to see Chloe Beale standing across the room. She had walked right past me. Did she see me?

"Um, nothing. I gotta go super quick." I said before leaving Jesse like I said I wouldn't.

I pushed through the crowd of people in the living room to make my way towards Chloe. I was definitely drunk by this point, but I don't think I would have had the nerve to talk to her otherwise.

"Chlo." I said, tapping her on the shoulder.

She whipped around with a confused look that quickly turned into a giant smile. Her blue eyes sparkled along with her bright-white smile.

"Beca!" She slurred.

I could tell she was really drunk. We had partied together many times last year, and it didn't take long for me to notice when she had had a little too much to drink.

She grabbed onto my shoulders and leaned in close. I couldn't tell if she really wanted to be that close, or if she genuinely needed me to stand up.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Jesse brought me. How have you been?" I said, trying to raise my voice over the music.

"Good good good." She said, bobbing her head.

"Do you want some water?" I asked.

Despite my also intoxicated state, I could tell she wasn't doing too hot.

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