Only You

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"Aubreyyy!" Chloe exclaimed as she saw her friend walk in. They were at a Treble party, and Chloe was clearly already drunk.

"Hey, Chlo! You should see Beca right now. Someone's really pulling her out of her shell." Aubrey teased. She motioned to the brunette across the room talking to a tall blonde girl. Chloe didn't recognize the other girl, but she was gorgeous.

"Weird." Was all Chloe managed to say. Seeing Beca be so talkative with someone other than herself was off-putting. She should be happy for her friend, but it felt strange. Usually Chloe was the only one capable of breaking down Beca's walls.

As the night went on, all Chloe could think about was that other girl and Beca. The girl was tall, blonde, and clearly not a freshman. It was almost as if she was intimidating, but why?

"Chlo, you alright? You look shaken up." Aubrey said placing her hand on the redheads shoulder.

"I'm worried about Beca. That girl she's been talking to seems like bad news. What if they get together and Beca gets hurt?" Chloe said as if she was talking to herself at this point.

"You're scared she's going to get hurt?" Aubrey asked sarcastically. She knew what was really going on, but she also knew Chloe would kill her if she spoke of it.

"Beca's fragile. I don't want some random girl swooping in to break her heart." Chloe said.

"I feel like you're jumping to conclusions, Chlo. They're just talking." Aubrey said before pausing for a moment. "Could it be that you want to be the one getting with Beca?" Aubrey asked hesitantly. She had brought up the idea before, but Chloe always shut it down quickly.

"This again? Seriously Bree, I'm not jealous." Chloe defended.

"I didn't say you were jealous." Aubrey said.

"Whatever. You want to see how not-jealous I am?" Chloe exclaimed.

"No Chloe I bel–" Aubrey started. Before she could finish, Chloe was making out with some random girl that was dancing nearby. Aubrey just stared in shock. She thought Chloe had really gone nuts this time.


"Beca!" Amy said with concern as she entered their room. The brunette was sitting at her laptop fidgeting with her hands, something she was notorious for doing when she was upset.

"Oh, hey Ames." Beca said removing her headphones.

"What's wrong with you?" Amy said taking a seat next to Beca.

"Nothings wrong..." Beca said averting her eyes back to the laptop.

Something was wrong, though. Last night, Beca had seen Chloe kissing another girl. She didn't know why that was so wrong, but for some reason she couldn't shake the sight. It made her whole day feel off.

"Cmon, Beca! You can tell me!" Amy begged.

"It's really nothing, Amy." Beca said. She would never admit to what she was feeling, mainly because she knew Amy would start one of her tangents about "Bloe." Amy always thought Beca and Chloe were more than friends, or at least that they should be more. It was something that always bothered Beca for a reason she couldn't explain.

"Well I'm still going to do this." Amy said as she embraced the small girl in a hug.

"Amy!" Beca said as she wiggled out of the hug. "You know I only let... whatever. Just let go, please." Beca said. Her mood had gone from dismissive to sad in a matter of seconds.

"Only let Chloe hug you like that." Amy finished the sentence Beca had started. Beca looked down, not wanting to admit Amy's correct statement.

"Beca, you love her. Just say it for once." Amy begged.

"Amy, stop." Beca said in a serious tone. Just as Amy was getting up, Chloe burst in the door.

"Hey guys!" She said excitedly. She was always excited to see Beca.

"I uh, gotta go!" Amy said awkwardly as she ran out the door. Beca and Chloe exchanged confused looks at the other girl's behavior.

"You look sad. What's up?" Chloe asked as she sat on Beca's bed. She never had an issue with personal space, and Beca for some reason didn't mind that. Amy was right though, this only applied to Chloe.

"Just Amy." Beca lied. "She can get so pushy about stuff."

"Aubrey too. She's always telling me how I feel about things." Chloe admitted.

"We're good friends, right?" Beca asked out of the blue.

"I would hope so." Chloe said confused. "Becs, where is this coming from?"

Beca sighed. She knew there was no getting out of this now, especially since Chloe always knew how to make her spill.

"Amy has this crazy idea I'm in love with you. I mean that's crazy, right?" Beca asked as if she needed the reassurance.

"Aubrey says the same thing! Like last night, she thought I was jealous you were talking to another girl! I had to kiss some random girl to get her off my back about it!" Chloe rambled.

Beca couldn't believe what Chloe just said. Kissing that girl was a ploy to show Aubrey she wasn't jealous of Beca?

"Why'd she think you were jealous?" Beca asked curiously.

"Oh just something stupid I said. I saw you talking to that blonde girl all night, and it made me worried." Chloe said.

"Worried?" Beca asked. This story just kept getting more interesting.

"Well, I didn't want you to get hurt. You never know how those random people from parties will turn out."

"And that's why you kissed one?" Beca teased.

"So why does Amy think you love me?" Chloe said changing the subject.

"Because you're the only person I ever let in. I hate physical touch with anyone but you, and it's pretty obvious." Beca said quietly. She was kind of embarrassed to admit it.

"Do you ever think they're right?" Chloe asked after a short pause.

"About us being more than friends?"

"Yeah." Chloe said quietly. She looked up at Beca with her wide blue eyes. In that moment, those eyes were all Beca could focus on.

"All the time." Beca said. She didn't mean to say that, but it slipped out. She didn't even know if that was true or not.

Before she could wonder why she just said that, her lips were met with Chloe's. Her lips tasted of strawberries, and she smelled like daisies. It was the perfect moment, and Beca hadn't even known she wanted it.

"This is so going to go to Amy's head." Chloe teased as she pulled away from the kiss.

Beca simply rolled her eyes with a grin. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face even if she tried. Chloe had always been the girl she wanted, it just took their friends' persuasion to make her realize.

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