Crazy Chloe

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The Treblemakers had just won the ICCAs, so that meant it was party time. The boys always hosted a party with the other a cappella groups, partly to rub in their win but also just to have fun. The Bellas would be attending, so the girls all got ready together before going. Getting ready also meant a pregame, which Chloe was always adamant on having.

"Beca! You pour shots, I'll go get your clothes." Chloe said frantically. They were running late, if that's even possible for a Treble party.

"On it, Chlo." Beca said with a sarcastic eye roll. She always found it amusing how seriously Chloe took her partying. For example, Beca not being able to waste any drinking time by grabbing her outfit.

By the time Chloe returned with the clothes, Beca had a shot poured for each of the Bellas. It wasn't their first of the night, and it most definitely wasn't the last. They took them on a count of three, and Chloe immediately tried to wrangle them out the door afterwards.

"Come on guys! Let's goooo!" Chloe whined. Beca complied, following closely behind as they headed out.

Once they arrived at the party, Chloe dragged Beca over to the drinks. She made them each a concoction of alcohol and began to party. Beca stood a little ways away from Chloe, just watching her dance like she was in her own world. Beca loved to watch the redhead at these parties, mainly because her bad dancing was entertaining.

As the night went on, and people got more drunk, things started to ramp up. Chloe found herself on top of a table dancing, while a crowd of kids surrounded her below. She drunkenly danced the night away on her own little stage. Beca, again, watched from afar. She never wanted to interfere with Chloe's fun, so she made her own fun by watching.

"Where is my microphone?!" Chloe yelled from her table. "I want to do karaoke!!" She continued.

That was the most second-hand embarrassment Beca could take, so she marched over to where Chloe was.

"Cmon, Chlo. Let's go." Beca said as she reached her hand up to Chloe.

"Nuh uh." Chloe muttered while shaking her head.

"Chlo." Beca grabbed hold of her hand and practically dragged her down.

"Why'd you take me down?! I was just about to sing!" Chloe wailed.

"Because that means Crazy Chloe is coming out, and you never seem to like Crazy Chloe too much the next morning." Beca teased. "Crazy Chloe" was a name the Bellas would jokingly call Chloe when she got a little too wild at parties. Like Beca said, Chloe was never thrilled to find out Crazy Chloe made an appearance the previous night.

"Would you still love me if I was Crazy Chloe?" Chloe asked.

"You are Crazy Chloe, and I love you all the time." Beca said with a giggle.

Chloe smiled back. She was always happy to hear Beca show affection.

"Now it's time to head home though, ok?" Beca said as she guided them to the exit.

Chloe nodded and leaned her head on Beca's shoulder as they walked.

"You're so sweet to me, Becs." Chloe said softly.

"How could I not be?" Beca said lightheartedly.

They continued to walk, Chloe making more comments like this the whole way back. She always got extra talkative about their relationship when she was drunk, but Beca tried to brush it off. She never wanted to get hung up over drunken words that would be forgotten the next day, even if they were words she yearned to hear.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" Chloe asked as they approached the door.

"There's only one bed, Chlo." Beca responded.

"I don't want to sleep alone. I want to be with you." Chloe said as she tugged on Beca's sleeve.

"Ok, fine." Beca said reluctantly. She wasn't reluctant because she didn't want Chloe in her bed, but rather because she was scared of getting too attached to that.

The girls made their way upstairs and into Beca's room. Chloe immediately flopped on the bed, still in her heels, dress, and makeup. Beca tossed over one of her old tee shirts and a bag of makeup wipes. This was a typical routine, so Beca knew how to make Chloe get ready for bed.

Chloe threw on the shirt, tossing her other clothes into a pile on the floor. She rubbed her makeup off and threw her hair into a messy bun. Little red curls dangled out of the bun and at the nape of her neck. Beca loved this messy hair on Chloe.

Beca did her own nightly routine, and eventually she joined Chloe in bed. The redhead snuggled in close to Beca, resting her head on the brunette's chest.

"Goodnight, Chlo." Beca said while she looked at the peacefully sleeping girl.

Chloe attempted to mumble something back through her sleepy state, but opted to just giving Beca a little squeeze in response.

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