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~The Rogue Prince~

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~The Rogue Prince~

It's was another day of pouring drinks for the small council with the Princess Rhaenyra. It's becoming a daily occurrence, especially since I been under care of the King now. "Ser Ryam was a strong Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. But he was ill for some time. He passed in peace, I hope." Visery says as i laid the kings cup down beside him and Rhaenya poured her father some wine. "Yes, your Grace. He was found to have passed gently in his sleep. His remains are being prepared by the silent sister." A councilman says as I put a cup in front of the Hand. "The succeeding Lord Commander, Ser Harrold, would like to make haste in finding Ser Ryam's replacement on the Kingsguard." He said as Rhaenyra poured his wine.

"Your Grace. My lords. Kingsguard must be restored to its full complement of seven. With the help of the Hand, I've invited a number of fine candidates to court. All have passed fair trials." Ser Harrold said before Corlys Velaryon stormed his way through the doors. "Four ships have now been lost. The last one was flying my banner. The Stepstones have now grown into a conflagration, yet you sit here and dither about court business." He says as his angry voice bounced off the walls. My eyes widen as I look at Rhaenyra who was already looking at me with the same expression.

"If you've something to discuss, lord Corlys-." Otto begins to say but was only cut off. "I want to know what is to be done about my ships and my men." He said. "The crown will compensate you for you ship and crew, and make an offering to the men's families." The Hand says. "I don't want compensation. I want to seize the Stepstones by force and burn out this Crabfeeder." Corlys says. "I am not prepared to start a war with the Free Cities." Visery says as he leans back in his chair. "These pirates are not the Free Cities." He said. "Who do you think provide them with their ships and tender?" The King asked.

"In all of it's history, my lord, the Seven Kingdoms have never entered open war on the Free Cities. Were that to happen, the losses would be incalculable." Lord Lyman says and that seemed to anger Corlys further. "What reason does the Crabfeeder have to fear us? The King's own brother has been allowed to seize Dragonstone and with an army of his gods cloaks. " He said and I could practically see the gears running in Rhaenyra head. "Daemon has squatted there for over half a year, without even a protest from The Crown." He said and Daemon name gave me a familiar feeling in my stomach.

"I'll caution you, Lord Corlys, a seat at the King's table does not make you his equal." Ottio said sternly and Corlys takes a few intimidating steps towards the Hand. "I have acted, Corlys. I've sent envoys to Pentos and Volantis to see if we might find common cause. Ships and men are at the ready. The Stepstones will be settled in time." The king says. "You have dragonriders, father. Send us." Rhaenyra says as she turned towards the table.

All the men in the room turned to us and looked at the Princess like she had two heads.
"It isn't that simple, Rhaenyra." The King says. "Why isn't it?" I asked. "Aenora." Otto says as a warning to stay in my place no doubt. "It would be a show of force." The Princess says and I smiled at her. "At least the Princesses have a plan." Corlys says. "I only meant that we should at least-." Rhaenyra was cut off by the Hand. "Perhaps there's some better use for the Princess's talents, your Grace." He says and I scoffed.

"Why don't you take the Princess to see about the new Kingsguard posting, Lord Commander?" The Kings asked and I see the hurt look on my Princess face. "A fine idea, your Grace." Ser Harold says. "This knight will protect you as well. You should choose." Visery says. "If you actually stop and listen to her you might be able to actually do something for your kingdom." I said and the room when quite again and I feel Rhaenyra grab my hand. "Nora, it okay." She said and I looked at Otto who looked at me with frustration. I sighed before Rhaenyra and I walked out of the room together.


I hold tightly onto Rhaenyra's hand as we followed behind Ser Harold. I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened and how they were so quick to dismiss her. If she were a man, they would have at least heard her out. "Don't be so upset." The Princess says softly. "I'm not upset." I said but it seems she knew I was lying just as well as I did. "You know this bound of ours goes both ways?" She asked as I smiled. "Unfortunately." I said with a playfully eye roll before she lightly nudged me with a beautiful smile on her face.

Once we got to the room filled with noble Knights from around the kingdoms to choose from. Rhaenyra let's my hand go before standing on stool to be able to see the knights below her. "Ser Desmond Caron, a fine knight, Princess. Step forward, Ser Desmond." Ser Harold says and I stand on my toes, wanting to see the Knight that steps up. "Son of Ser Royce Caron, Ser Desmond has proved strong and steady in both tourney lists and without." He said and my mood was once again ruined by Otto's presents.

"While traveling through the kingswood on his way to King's Landing, Ser Desmond recently brought a would be poacher to justice." He says and Rhaenyra nods before starring down blankly at the knight before her. "You might thank him for his leal service, Princess." Otto whispers to the Princess and she snaps out of her daze. "We thank you for your loyal service to The Crown , Ser." She says with a smile. "Ser Rymun Mallister. Son of Lord Lymond Mallister of Seagard. Winner of the melee at Cider Hall. He was the last mounted of three-and- twenty knights." He said and I looked up to see Rhaenys looking down at us.

I can see she didn't like King Visery decision to make his daughter heir either. "Ser Rymun was knighted at eight-and ten." Ser Harold continues. "Does any of these knights have combat experience? Beyond capturing poachers." The Princess asked and the Commander nods. "Ser Criston Cole." He said and at the familiar name I stepped up to get at better look at the knight. I smiled and remember how he beat the prince Daemon at the tournament. "Son of the steward of the Lord of Blackhaven." He said and Rhaenyra smiles genuinely.

"Be welcome, Ser Criston." She said and he bows his head. "You saw combat in the stormlands." The Princess says. "Dornish marches, Princess. I fought for a year as a foot soldier against the Dornish incursions. Ser Arlan Dondarrion knighted me after we razed two of the watchtowers along the Boneway." Ser Criston says and she nods satisfied. "I like him." I said and she smiled at me before stepping down. "I choose Ser Criston Cole." Rhaenyra says as we link arms and was almost out the door. "Let's not be to hasty, Princess." Otto said making us turn around once more.

"There's no doubt Ser Criston is a fine warrior, but houses such as Crakehall and Milliser, are important allies to The Crown." The hand says and I rolled my eyes. "Seagard, for instance, is the realm's prime defense against reavers from the Iron Islands." He said. "Those men are tourney knights. My father should be defended by a man who's known real combat. Should he not?" She asked and I smirked up at Otto awaiting his answer. "Of course, Princess." He says. "Well, let us plan Ser. Criston's investiture then." She said before we both walked away.

TIKTOK: mywattpadworld11

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