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~We Light the Way~

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~We Light the Way~

It was the night before Rhaenyra and Laenor's wedding and I was getting ready for tonight celebrations with my mother while my dad was off talking to Lyonel Strong about who knows what. Over the past few days the only information I got was from my mother is that I am to give my first born son the Pendragon name. I was absolutely fine with that but what I hated was not being involved in the discussions of my own life. "You look amazing." My mother says cupping my face in her hands. "Thanks mama." I said softly, I didn't realize how much I missed her till now.

"You've grown so much. I'm so happy your coming home soon." She said and my smile slowly flattened as I nod. "Me too." I said lying through my teeth. Even though I do miss home, I know I'll miss Rhaneyra a lot more. "Don't get to happy." She said sarcastically as she pulls away. "I am happy...I'm just going to miss my friends here." I sighed watching her look at herself in the mirror. "Honey, I understand the pull of a linked bond and wanting to spend your days having fun with them but you and Rhaenyra both are Heiress to you father's thrones and play time is over." She said before standing in front of me again.

I sighed letting my head fall slightly as she held my hands in hers. I hated when shes right, which seems to be most of the time lately.  "I know but-." I said as she squeezed my hand "You're bond with her cannot cloud your judgment. You must be strong and show no weakness because you are a women and the minute you fail they will do anything to keep you from what's yours. What's ours, and you cannot let that happen." She said and i nodded. "I won't. I'll make you proud, I swear." I said and she smiled before kissing my cheek. The door to my chamber opened and revealed my father.

"You both look beautiful." He said as my mother walked into his arms. "Thank you, my love." She said and my father looks over at me as I made my way towards them. "Thank you. You look very handsome, father." I said taking the hand he held out for me. "Thank you. Now let's get this over with so we might go home, their horrible wine is making me homesick." He said and my mother swatted at his chest, he hates being at any castle he doesn't control, so instead he complains the entire time. We walked out together as a handful of our trusted Camelot knights followed us ahead closely.

"It is with great pleasure, that his Grace, King Viserys, announces the start of the royal wedding celebrations." Lord Harrold announced before we walked in. "House Pendragon and their King, Uther Pendragon." He said and went on to list my father's tiles as we walked down the stairs. "And his lady wife, Queen Haenora Pendragon. And their daughter and heir, Princess Aenora Pendragon." He said and I see Ser Harwin smiling at me as he stands.

I smiled back brightly, I was very pleased to see him since i haven't seen him all day. I smiled when I see my beautiful Rhaenyra sitting at the head table. When we approached the table and everyone but my father bowed and curtsied. Rhaneyra smiled brightly at me and I smiled back in return. "Viserys." My father said with a stern nod and the king returned the gesture. "Uther."He said before smiling at my mother.
"Where's your queen, tonight?" My father asked and I began to wondered the same thing as I looked around the room.

"She has yet to get ready, I'm afraid. She'll be down soon to meet you." He said with a tight lipped smile. "Queen, Haenora. I'm happy to see you. Alicent thanks you for the gifts your send." He said and she smiled. "As am I. Please tell the queen Alicent, it was my pleasure ,your Grace." She said and he nodded. "I will. And Aenora you look lovely as always." He said and I smiled. "Thank you, your Grace. Rhaenyra you look stunning tonight." I said and she smiled. "As do you, Nora." She says before we walked aside and toward our table.

Once I sat down dramatic drums started to play and I knew it was House Velaryon making their entrance. "Lord Corlys of House Velaryon. Lord of the Tides, Master of Driftmark. And his lady wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen. And their son and heir, Ser Laenor Velaryon, and future king consort." Lord Harrold announced and the room starts to clap and stand as the Velaryon walked down the stairs and to the head table. Laenor bowed and Rhaenyra smiled as she walked around the table to meet her betrothed half way. He kissed her hands and the crowd cheered once more before they began to take their seats.

When Daemon walked into the room I instantly perked up and like all ways my eyes seemed to followed his every move. When I've heard what happened to lady Rhea Royce, I wrote to him which he responded with telling me, he was fine and not a bit saddened. I knew what he would say but it was still an excuse to write to him, I was just surprised he wrote back as fast as he did. I looked at my parents and I could tell by their faces that they didn't like Daemon one bit. The King seemed surprised and frustrated at Daemon's presence but nonetheless he motions a servant to get him a chair for their table.

Daemon smirked before sitting down while Rhaneyra and I glanced at each from across the room. "Be welcome, as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. We honor one of the crowns oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon. Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons. With House Targaryen and-." The King stops mid sentence and stand's frozen. Everyone turned their head towards the doors and their stood Alicent in a light green dress. I knew what that color meant for the Hightower and i was now fuming.

I don't care what pettiness caused this hit of war but this wasn't the time to show her power, this day isn't about her at all. When people started to stand from their chairs and i clenched my fist and stayed seated as my table stood making me look over at my dad who seemed to be already watching me. "Are we not going to stand for the queen?" He asked and even though his voice was in a whisper it was still powerful and stern. He was looking at me like this was a test, a test to show him I was ready for the next steps of my duties as heir. My mothers looks at me for a response and soon the whole table is facing me.

"No." I said sternly and he smirked. "You heard your Princess...sit." My father says and we sit down confidently which drew attention from some. When Alicent is finally in front of the table she turned to her head towards our table before making eyes contact with me and was met with a glare. If she wants to play this mean queen game, then game one bitch. "Please be seated." The King says before turning to his Hand.

"With House Targaryen and House Velaryon united, I hope to herald in a second Age of Dragons in Westeros." He said and I clapped along with everyone else. "And after tonight's small affair...seven days of tournament and feasting. At the end of it all, a royal wedding... between my daughter, my heir, your future Queen and Ser Laenor Velaryon the heir to Diftmark." He says and I smiled as I clapped my hands once more. Harwin and I looked at each from across the room and I smiled as did he. I hope this celebration ends better then the last one.

TIKTOK: mywattpadworld11

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