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~We Light the Way~

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~We Light the Way~

After certain events the king thought it best that Rhaenyra marry Corlys Velaryons son. In the mist of that decision, Rhaenyra took it upon herself to give her opinion on Otto Hightower which lead to the King relieving the Hand for his duties. Now Lord Lyonel Strong was the new Hand to the King which I am proud to say is going to my father in-law. My father finalized the marriage proposal between Ser Harwin and I, we will be officially married after Rhaenyra celebrations. My father and mother should be on there way to Kings Landing very soon. The boat rocks back and forth and I tried to stay steady as Rhaenyra and I walked to the side of the boat.

"Be careful." Harwin says beside me holding me upward. "It's not as easy as you might think." I said almost bumped into Rhaenyra and Ser Cristion as she catches me with her hands on my hips. "You okay?" She asked and I sighed gaining my balance. "Yeah. It seems Harwin isn't as strong as they say." I teased and he looks down at me with an amusement all over his face. He leaned down and smirked. "Your right..I'm Stronger." He says and I let out a laugh as he replaced Rhaenyra hands on my waist. The four of us stared out at the castle as the fog cleared up.


Rhaenyra and I walked side by side as we approached the doors of Corlys home. When the doors opened we were met with no one and the King didn't seemed pleased by that. The further we steeped in, my attention was taken by swords clashing together. Rhaenyra and I turned our head to see her husband to be, Ser Laenor and his friend, both boys bowed at the Kings presence. "Where is Lord Corlys? He should be here to receive the King." Lyonel said and before he could get an answer the doors opened gaining everyone's attention.

Lady Laena Velaryon was the one to step out and greets us. "Welcome to High Tide, your Grace." She said and politely bowed. "What is the meaning of this, Lady Laena? Is this how House Velaryon greets its King?" Lyonel asked. "My father has but just returned from his long journey and he has hastened to the Hall of Nine to await your Grace's arrival." She said and Viserys sighed. "Let's just get on with it." The king says and I smiled slightly as we continued forward.

As we walked through their home I was in awe at how beautiful it was from the inside. "I'm sorry." Ser Cristion said once we got to the doors only the King and his Hand were allowed inside. Rhaenyra seemed a bit upset by that but Laena smiles at us before standing in the middle of the both of us and linking her arm with ours. "Let us discover what might be had for breakfast." Laena said trying to ease the tension and we smiled as she lead us through the halls.

*Rhaenyra Targaryen pov*

After leaving my beloved Aenora in the care of Laena, me and Laenor took time to talk about the future we face together. "In truth if it had to be someone, I'm glad it is you." I said walking beside my cousin along the beach. It was truth to what I said, with him it would be easier to grow a relationship with Nora but I kept that part to myself.  "I know this union is not what you would choose." I said knowing what he would prefer. "I hold nothing against you, cousin." He said and I shook my head. "no I-rather...dare I say it is a matter of taste? One that I understand." I said thinking of a certain  brunette beauty.

"I prefer roast duck to goose. I cannot say why." I said looking up at him as he peered down at me. "It's not for a lack of trying. There are those who like goose very well." He said. "I find it a bit greasy for my taste." I smiled before continuing. "I know that whatever agreement being struck up there will not change your appetites. Nor will it change mine." I said and he turns to me once more. "And what do you propose?" He asked and I stopped I front of him. "That we perform our duty to our father and to the realm and when it's done...each of us dined as we see fit." I said and he smirked which gave me my answer.

*Rhaneyra Targaryen pov ends*

"Are you nervous to see your parents?" Harwin asked as we stood in my room on the boat. Our trip was short but successful for the king and now we headed back to Kings Landing. "No, I'm quite excited actually. Letters can only go so far." I smiled as I sat on my bed taking off my jewelry. He hummed in response making me look up from my hand and at him. I smiled as he stood across the room fiddling with his sword and I couldn't believe my eyes. "Are you nervous to see my parents?" I asked making his head snapped up. "No, don't be silly. I've just heard whispers about your father, how cruel and stubborn he can be.." He said

I gave him a amusing smile as i nodded my head. "That is true...but he already accepted you to be my husband. He won't do anything to cross a line especially in the presence of my mother." I said and he let out a breathless chuckle. "That gave me comfort." He said sarcastically as he walks to me and kneels in front on me with his hands on my leg. I giggled as I laid my hand on his. "You don't have anything thing to worry about...we're perfect together." I said and he laughs. "You, me...and Rhaenyra." He said and my eyes widen. "I'm sorry?" I asked slightly taken back.

"I've seen the way you and the princess are together. I'm not as blind to your affection like the others." He said and I looked down at our joined hands because I simply couldn't look him in the eye. "Do..do you see me differently now?" I asked and he reached up and lifted my chin till I was looking at him. "I've known long before our arrangement and I still love you all the same. Do you love her?" He asked and took a breath. "Yes, I suppose I do. But I've grown to love you as well." I said squeezing his hand.

"I understand and I will not keep you from what you want." He said and I pulled my hands from his and laid them on each of his cheeks. "What I want is you." I said and he smiled slightly before leaning up and kissing me. "Then I am yours." He whispered against my lips and I smiled running my fingers through his hair and fall back against the with him on top of me. I know it's naive of me to hold onto to Rhaenyra knowing that our relationship would never be acceptable but I simply cannot let her go or love another more, and to be honest I don't plan on learning how too.

TIKTOK: mywattpadworld11

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