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Rhaenyra hands me a cup before grabbing one of her own. Rhaenys made her way over and smiled politely at me but she didn't seem to be pleased with Rhaenyra presence but covered that up well. "Sorry for your loss, Rhaenys." I say and she rubs my arms. "Same to you, Aenora." She said and looked at Rhaneyra who smiled kindly at her as she sipped her wine. Rhaenys grabbed a cup of wine of her own before walking away rather quickly from us. "This Gods awful wine." I muttered before turning my cup over and letting the wine fall as she laughs slightly in agreement.

She takes the cup from my hand and sits both on the table as I looked up from my hands and once again I am met with the cold blue eyes of Daemon Targaryen. Rhaenyra now stands by my side and smiled at Daemon lightly making him smile at us before turning his head. "I truly hate myself for this but...I do love it when he grows his hair out." I said and we laughed together as the wind picks up and the sun starts to set. When I turn my head Lord Corlys was stomping towards Laenor's lover, Qarl and grabbing him by his arm. "Retrieve your patron." He said not so quietly and heads turned toward the scene.

"Brother." Vaemond says stepping up and laying his hand on his eldest brother shoulder. Corlys takes his hands off his of his son lover and Ser Qarl bows politely before turning around and going to find Laenor. "We have to speak to him." Rhaneyra whispered to me once the commotion dialed down. "Seems your father beat us to it." I said with a smile as she looked over at Daemon and Viserys as they talked. Rhaenyra began to walk forward slowly with her eyes never leaving the two brothers and i trailed behind her. Whatever they were talking about it didn't seem to be going well from my viewpoint.

Daemon then walks away from the King and passing us on his way before Otto Hightower then stops him in his tracks. "I'm sorry for your loss, my Prince." He said and Daemon glared at the old man. "No matter how fat the leech grows, it's always wants for another meal." Daemon spat before walking off toward the beach. "I'll get the kids to bed. You should follow him and I'll find the both of you as fast as I can." She whispered and squeezed my hand. "Okay." I said with a nod before following after Daemon toward the beach. As I walked down the last of the step onto the sand while the sun finally went down.


I smiled slightly when I find the Prince waiting for me. "Daemon." I said now standing in front of him. "Aenora." He said with a small grin on his lips. "I've heard of your husband Harwin...I'm sorry for your loss." He said and I looked down at my hands with a nodded. "Thank you. Same to you." I said looking back up at him before footsteps behind me take my attention. I smiled when I see my Rhaenyra and hold my hand out for her as she made her way over. "Let's walk." I said and the three of us fell into a comfortable silence.

"Laenor has been restless for for years, but now, he will be useless. Or worse." Rhaenyra said as we walked along the beach. "I know better than anyone that our marriage is a farce. But I at least make the effort to maintain appearances." She said squeezing my hand tightly. "You have more to lose." Daemon said. "Yes, well, that has been my lot since my father named me heir. We did try...to convince a child." Rhaenyra's tells him. "We performed our duty as best we could. But to no avail. There was no joy in it." She said and Daemon seemed in thought.

"I found that elsewhere." She said kissing the back of my hand making me smile and Daemon glanced at our joined hands and grinned. "It felt good to be desired." She said. "I understand Ser Harwin was quite...devoted to the both of you." He said and I smiled think of only happy memories. "Yes, he was." I said. "I trusted him. We both did." She said and Daemon nods his head as he listened. "I should've forbidden Harwin from returning to the Riverlands. I have not said this out loud till now but I had a dream of his death before it happened..."I said ignoring their stares filled with pity. "You never told me this." She said.

"I did not want to believe it... Harren's curse is said to be as strong now as it was after the Conquest." I said and Daemon shakes his head. "That's a ghost story, one Ser Otto and the Queen would gladly exploit." Daemon said. "I do not believe Alicent capable of cold murder." Rhaenyra said and i scoffed. "Probably not but her little helper, Larys is capable of Gods know what." I said and they both seem to agree with that to some degree. "Each of us is capable of depravity, and more than you would believe." Daemon said. "I believe it of you." Rhaneyra says. "If you're accusing me of some depravity, you'll need to be more specific." He said.

I scoffed lightly as Rhaenyra let's my hand slip from hers before standing in front of Daemon as we all come to a stop. "I've been alone. You abandoned us." She said. "I speared you." He said and laugh bitterly. "And leaving us at a brothel was spearing us?" I asked not looking for an answer. "You were children." He said. "Yes. Yes, we were children. And look at what our lives became without you." She said and I turned towards the winds. "Droll tragedy." I said finishing her thought as Daemon grabbed me by the arm and turned me back to face him. "And I wonder what you think of mines by comparison?" He asked tugging me closer into his chest.

"I know little of it...you stop writing back."I said as my voice wavered near the end. "Did you love her." Rhaenyra asked stepping closer to the two of us as we hadn't moved from each others space. "We were happy enough." He said looking down at the both of us. "Well, that in itself a great achievement. I am sorry." She said shaking her head and look at the ground. "Don't be. I am at least allowed to mourn my losses." He said said and we all fall short of words. I laid my hand over his heart making him look into my eyes as he laid his hand on top of mines and I motioned for Rhaneyra to do the same which made her lay her hand over ours.

When he grin slightly at the both of us, I made the first move and leaned forward slowly as all our hands dropped. "Aenora." He whispered a warning but didn't care to stop as I raises my hand once again laid it on his neck. "I'm no longer a child and neither is she." I said and when he starts to lean into my touch, I took it upon myself to lay my lips against his. Daemon starts to kiss me back slowly and gently takes his dominance over the kiss. I pulled away as he nipped at my bottom lip before Rhaenyra leaned forward and kissing him all the same. Each of his arms rested on our waist as he kissed Rhaenyra sweetly before each of them pulled away and a bit out of breath.

"We want you." Rhaenyra whispered against his lips. He turned to me as if he wanted an answer from me as well and I smiled as nodded my head. "Over here." I said said pointing at the poorly built shed made of logs, it wasn't much but it would hide us for the time being. We took each other clothes off slowly and adding kisses to each other's skin as we did so. Daemon stood behind me, untying the back of my dress while Rhaenyra and I kissed each other lips as I untied the strings of her dress as well. I feel the cold wind in my back making me gasp lightly before the cold wind was replaced by kisses up my back.

I did my best not to let it distract me as I pulled Rhaneyra dress from her shoulders and kissing her skin. She moans light as I trail kisses up her neck and run my hands down her naked back. Daemon turned me around by my hips and now I was squished between both beautiful Targaryens. I smiled softly at him while I start to unbuttoned his shirt as he kissed my forehead and Rhaneyra lays her lips on my neck from behind. Both of their hands wander  over my body as I pulled the shirt from off of his. Soon after that we all laid down onto each other, I laid at the bottom while Daemon was laying between my legs and Rhaenyra next to us satisfied with the view. We spent our time alone sharing our passion with one another underneath the moonlight.

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