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~We Light the Way~

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~We Light the Way~

This morning I snuck out of Harwin's arms and went to find Rhaenyra. I've had a difficult time sleeping and I'm sure she's the reason why. When her room was empty I made it to the top deck where I found her but she wasn't alone. Ser Cristion was making his way towards her and I hid on the other side of the wall."Did sleep flee you as well this morning?" Rhaenyra asked him. "I needed to see you, Princess." He said. I've known of the Princess's relationship with the knight, it seemed the night Daemon abandoned us we both had the same idea when we left to our chambers.

The princess and I talked about that night very often, reliving the fun and the pain of that day. "You have confined in me now and then over the years of our acquaintance. I feel, forgive me, that I know you..a bit." He said. "You know me more than a bit." She said I could practically see the smile on her lips. "I've heard you say so many times how you loathe the lot of your position, that you are to be married off at your father's whim with no thought given to the yearning of your own heart, and now the day comes." He said and I sighed having a feeling where he might take this conversation.

"Ser Laenor is a good and decent man, but you did not choose him. He was chosen for you." He continued. "That's true." Rhaenyra said softly. "If there were another path...one that led to freedom...would you trend it? Rhaenyra before I came here, I was a knight in the Stormlands. I have deep knowledge of the port at Sunspear where I've seen the ships of Essos setting sail with their hulls full of oranges and cinnamon and I've always wished to see where they went." He said and silents fills the air for only a moment. "Are you asking for leave?" Rhaenyra asked.

"I'm asking you to come with me...away from all this, from the burdens and indignities of your inheritance. Lets us leave it all behind and see the world together...where we'll be nameless and free...free to go where we like, to love as we like. In Essos...you could marry me. A marriage of love, not for the crown." He said and it goes quiet for another moment. "I am the crown, Ser Criston. Or I will be." She said as her voice quivered slightly. "I may chafe at my duties, but do you think I would choose infamy in exchange for a bushel of oranges or a ship to Asshai? And to leave Aenora-...it is my duty to marry a nobleman from a great house and Ser Laenor will make a fine husband." She said and I smiled softly at her answer, it was good to know she didn't want to leave me.

"But my...my marriage..does not have to be the end." She said taking a step with each word. "Ser Criston, Laenor and I have an understanding. I've granted him leave to pursue his own interests...and in return, he's granted me the same." She said and I thought Ser Cole would take that better but it seemed he did not. "So you want me to be your, whore?" He asked as his voice was now the one to quiver. I lay my hand over my mouth trying no to let the sound of me giggle escape, men are so dramatic when their egos are hurt. "No, I want us to continue as we began, with you as my sworn protector, my white knight." She said.

"I took an oath. As a knight of your Kingsguard. An oath of chastity. I've broken it." He said as she began to try and calm him. "I won't tell anyone-." She says as he speaks over her. "I've soiled my white cloak. And it's the only thing I have to my fucking name! I thought if we were married I might be able to restore it." He said and I walked closer to the end of the wall at his sudden change of tone. "The Iron throne looms larger than me, larger than anyone in my family. Aegon the Conqueror united the Seven Kingdom and put them on a path-Ser Criston!" She says I finally let my head peek around to see Ser Cole stomping away.

She sighed and turned around to where I was now stands. "Aenora! You nearly gave me a heart attack." She said and I smiled softly as I stepped towards her. "Sorry...I heard you and Ser Cole speaking." I said standing beside her. "How much did you hear?" She asked and I shrugged lightly. "Pretty sure all of it." I said. "So even the part where he asked me to leave with him?" She asked and cringed when i nodded in response. "Why didn't you take his offer? I thought flying off and seeing the world was your biggest dream?" I asked and she takes my hand softly.

"If i am to ever run off, it will be with you and no other. Ser Criston was great for a time but I don't want to marry him and sell oranges." She said and I laughed just as she did. "It was cute of him to try though." I said and she smiled pulling me closer to her. "Are you excited to see your parents?" She asked now changing the subject. "Yes but in truth, I'm quite nervous to see my father. He hates that I'm marrying someone his didn't choose." I said and she sighed wrapping both arms around my waist.

"I would be lying if I didn't say your father didn't scare me a bit but he loves you and just wants to know you'll be safe." She said and I nodded slightly before wrapping my arms around her shoulders. "Just as your father loves you." I said and she rolled her eyes and laid her head in my chest while I giggled at her stubbornness. I swear she's going to be the absolute death of me.


When i got off the boat I was met with both of my parents awaiting my arrival. I walked towards them with both Rhaenyra and Hawrin following behind me. My mother smiled and held out her arms while my father stood tall and emotionless. "Oh, my own heart." My mother said once I settled into her arms and holding her close. "I missed you." I said softly making her kiss the side of my head. "Aenora." My father says as I pull from my mother arms. "Father." I said before standing in front of him and he leaned down so I could kiss his cheek, it was the only affection I was getting in a public setting. I smiled at my mother when she pulls Rhaenyra into a hug and rubs her back as they squeezed each other.

"It's a pleasure to meet you finally, your Grace." Harwin said firmly as I back away and stood beside him proudly. "So your the man marrying my only daughter?" He asked but he wasn't looking for an answer as he glared down at him. " I am." He said and I stood nervously. "Then you'll ride with me." He said walking to the second carriage which I was confused on. "Yes, Your Grace." He said and gave me a confident look, trying to tell me everything will be fine but I'm freaking out. "You guys left in separate carriages?"I asked and she nodded with a little smile on her thin lips. "Your father insisted, I'm guessing for this moment right here." She said and waved sweetly at her husband before he gets in with Harwin right behind him.

"Oh honey don't be worried. I made your father promise to not kill him. Let's get going." She said my mouth hung open while Rhaenyra laughs besides me. "Mother, that did not help one bit. What is he going to do with him?" I said following behind her to the carriage ahead of us. "He just want to speak to him and nothing more. They will be fine, now stop complaining and let Rhaenyra catch me up on the things I've missed." She said walking up the stool to the carriage. "It will be fine, come on." Rhaenyra smiled and takes my hand in her before we entered the carriage ourselves.

TIKTOK: mywattpadworld11

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