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~We Light the Way~

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~We Light the Way~

I smiled as Rhaenyra and Laenor were having their first dance of the night. It's a traditional dance that they've both have probably practiced a hundred times over, I know Nyra did because my feet still hurt from helping. I looked around the room and I find Ser Criston glaring at the betrothed couple with so much hate. It seemed to me that the knight doesn't take rejection very well. Alicent looked just as sour but I couldn't figure out why, what has Rhaenyra or I done now to upset her is only known to her. "I can't wait till your wedding. You're going to look so beautiful." My mother said and I smiled sweetly at her before we both turned our attention back to the couple.

When they finished their dance and the drums stopped, everyone and myself cheered for them both. Rhaenyra was the most beautiful tonight and I was dying to tell her. Daemon seemed to be boiling with jealousy but he clapped nonetheless. I stood from my seat along with the room and walked to Harwin without sparing my parents a second look. "Could I have this dance?" I asked and he smiled taking my hand. "Of course, my betrothed." He said kissing my hand making me blush and his younger brother rolling his eyes. We walked on the floor and I catch Daemon eyes on my from where he sat.

I walked towards Rhaenyra with Harwin following behind. "Nora." Rhaenyra smiled and pulled me into a hug while Laenor and Harwin greet each other. "You looked truly breath taking, my love."I said as we pulled from each other grip. "Thank you as do you." She smiled brightly. "Princess, Aenora." Laenor held his hand out which I was happy to take. "I thought I told you to call me Nora." I said and he laughs and nods his head. "My apologies, Pr-Aenora." He said and I smiled before the music started up again. Rhaenyra and i go with our separate partners and begin to dance like those around us.

Harwin and I smiled at each as we danced around the room. "You looked like a dream tonight, My Princess." He said and I blushed. "Thank you. You are handsome as always." I said and he chuckles before lifting me by my hip shortly and putting me on my feet as we danced. Hawrin wasn't the best dancer but it was cute watching him try. "Hey!" The crowd and I shouted as we began a new dance. When I saw Daemon and Laena I restrained myself from rolling my eyes. Rhaenyra and I met through the dance and we both smiled at each other.

"Hey!" We cheer together as we circle around each other. I don't want to admit but her getting married hurts a little more than I expected. I don't want us to ever grow apart. "May I, Ser Hawrin?" Daemon voice gets my attention. "Of course, my Prince." Harwin said kissing my cheek and walking away leaving the three of us alone. Daemon surprisingly takes both of our hands and lead us further in the crowd. I was quite nervous doing so but I held onto his hand nonetheless and I looked around hoping my parents or Harwin is seeing this. "Is this what you want? Either you?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I was not aware that what I wanted mattered to you." She said and they both looked at me for a response. "You left me stranded in a whore house, I should be stabbing you right now." I said and he smirked but Rhaenyra stayed serious. "This is not for you. Laenor and Harwin are good and fine knights. They will bore you senseless." He said and I rolled my eyes once again. "Marriage is only a political arrangement, I hear." She said quoting what he said once before. "Mine is recently dissolved." He said. "So take us, then. Theirs been three way marriages before, right? Has this not been you purpose?" I asked and Rhaenyra speaks not letting him get a word in just yet.

"I'm not yet married and neither is Aenora. But the hours pass swiftly. You are surely armed. Cut through or father's Kingsguard. Take us to Dragonstone and make us both your wives." She said. "If you truly care for us then take us." I said with a simple shrug of my shoulders, before anything else was said or done all seven hells broke loose. "Hey!" A high pitched scream filled the room gaining everyone's attention even ours. I pulled from Daemon hold and instantly started to look for who was screaming.

The crowd started to panic as the screams continued and I was fighting to stay on my feet as I was being shoved in every direction. One push from the back makes me fall forward hitting my face when I landed. "Ow! R-Rhaenyra!" I shout in panic when I suddenly realized she was not longer by my side and neither was Daemon. "Nora!" I hear my father's powerful voice as I scrambled off the floor. "Father!" I called out again but I couldn't find him because I was being pushed around by all the men and women.

I noticed my lip was busted when I licked over the cut and taste blood. "Fuck!" I muttered as I tried to walk through the crowd. When i noticed a circle began formed I knew someone was fighting and it has to be bad for this type of panic. Then before I knew what was happening I was being lifted from the ground and shockingly thrown over Harwin shoulders. "Clam down, my princess." He grunted as we walked through the crowd punching. "Where's Rhaenyra!" I shouted. "She's safe." He said and I wished that had relaxed me but the commotion around us was very unsettling.

When Hawrin sets me to the ground I ran straight to my parents. "Oh thank goodness." My mother said taking me into her arms. We all stood near the head table which out looked all the drama. "Are you okay? Who hit you?! What happened to your -?" My father asked pointing at my lip and I shake my head . "No one. I was pushed by the crowd and fell." I said and he sighed and nodded. Ser Harwin comes back with Rhaenyra over his shoulder. "I thought you said she was safe." I said pulling from my mothers arm and walking to Rhaenyra who I pulled into my arms.

"If I said otherwise you wouldn't have come so easily." He said and I smiled before sinking into the Princess's arms. "I'm glad you're okay." I whispered and her hold on me tightened. "I was so worried about you and then I couldn't see you.."She paused before leaning in the hug herself. "I'm fine, I swear it." I said and the people began to clear the floor and we finally see what has happened. Laenor's lover laid lifeless on the ground with his face bashed in. I gasped and turned away and soon after I hear Laenor cries which just breaks my heart to pieces.


"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one." The priest said as the hand full of us stand sadly around Rhaenyra and Laenor. It was decided that after the event that took place here, it was best to get the marriage done. "Father.. Mother... Warrior... Smith... maiden... Crone... Stranger. Hear now their vows." He said. Harwin and I stood next to each other with joined hands as my parents stood beside us both.

Corlys and his lady wife and daughter stood across from us with Alicent and we all watched Rhaenyra kiss Laenor on the cheek hastily. "I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come." Laenor says as his voice cracks. "I am yours and you are mine. Whatever may come." She said and tried to smile the best she could. She looked at me sadly but I smiled telling her it was okay. "Here, in the presence of gods and men, I proclaim... Laenor of House Velaryon... Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, to be man and wife." He said and I smiled at Harwin as I rubbed my thumb over his bloody knuckles making him kiss my forehead.

"One flesh... one heart.. one soul... now and forever." He said and when it seemed it couldn't get any worse the King falls over gaining our attention. "Oh my!" I gasped and kneeled next to him along with those around him. My father seemed to be annoyed before he pulled me from the ground. "We're leaving. Now." He said and my eyes widen. "But father-." I began but my mother stopped me and my father continued to walked out of the room. I looked at Hawrin then at Rhaenyra who looked absolutely crushed.

"I'll miss you." She said with tears tuning down her face, it took everything in me not to walked over and whipped them from her cheek. "I'll see you soon. My wedding isn't too far away." I said and she smiled sadly. "Aenora!" My father urging me to hurry up. "Come on, sweetheart." My mother says and Hawrin tugs on my hand a bit. "O-okay." I said glancing at Rhaenyra and her father before walking with them both. Even though I will miss Alicent as well I didn't spare her a second glance before I left. When we met my father in the hallway i see him ordering around his guards around. "I don't want to leave like this." I said and Hawrin looks down at me sadly. "The king and the Princess both will be fine. Like you said, you'll see them soon." He said and I smiled and nodded.

TIKTOK: mywattpadworld11

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