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~ The Princess and The Queen ~

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~ The Princess and The Queen ~

The family and I arrived in Kings landing two days ago and just in time too because this morning Rhaenyra began her labors. "Keep breathing, love." I said as I held Rhaenyra in my arms and our hands joined tightly. Harwin wasn't in the room with us because we thought it best he stay away since rumor's already spread about the father of Rhaenyra children. Rhaneyra took a few deep breaths preparing herself to push once again. "And push." I said calmly in her ear before she pushed and let's put a groan as she did so.

Her head falls back onto my shoulder and I kiss the side of her head. "And again. Come on, you can do it." I said and she leaned into my touch. "I can't." She says clearly of of breath. "Yes, you can. Now push!" I said squeezing her before she pushed as hard as she could. "The head!" The midwife said and I smiled and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. She gave one big push before the beautiful cries of a new born fills the room. "A boy, Princess." She says Rhaenyra and I smiled at each other as the baby was laid in her arms. "Healthy?" I asked and she nods.

"Kicking like a goat, Princess." She and Rhaenyra smiles brightly. "He's so perfect." I said softly before reaching over and rubbing my thumbs gently over the babes cheek as Rhaenyra laid her forehead against my cheek. The princess cried tears of joy as she held her son close but my attention was taken when I hear the doors open. "Princess...the Queen has requested that the child be brought to her... immediately." The servant girl said and I scoffed. "Well, politely tell her to fuck off." I said and Rhaneyra squeezed my hand telling me to clam my temper but I could care less.

"Why?" Rhaenyra asked her but we all knew the answer to that. Rhaenyra sighed before starting to stands making my eyes widen. "I'll take him myself." She said. "You will do no such thing! She'll come here." I said getting up and putting my hands around her waist. "You should remain abed, Princess-." One midwives said but was cut off. "Yes, I should! Help me dress." She says and hands the babe to me and ignoring my disapproval look. I rocked the babe in my arms and smiled down at him as the midwife cuts the umbilical. "Don't worry. I won't let that wicked bitch get you." I cooed as his crying started to clam down in my arms.

I watched Rhaenyra intensely as they helped her getting dressed and she kept smiling at me as reinsurance. "Don't smile at me, I still don't want you to do this." I said which only made her smile brighter. "Will you walk with me?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. "Well i surely wasn't going to let you do it alone. I have some words for our Queen when we get there." I said and she she laughs lightly. "Be nice." She said before a grunt falls from her lips. "Rhaenyra." I say softly and take a step forward. "It's the afterbirth. No need to worry, Princess." The midwife said and i nodded in relief while I hold the babe close to my chest as his mother pushed.

When the matter was done and both Rhaenyra and the babe were properly cleaned off Laenor walked in. "A boy. I've just heard." He said with a big smile on his face. I helped Rhaenyra stay upright since she was now hold the babe in her arms and walking out of the room. "Yes." She said with a small smile and Laenor kisses my cheek as greeting. "Well done." He said and following behind us. "Where are you going?" He asked and i smiled bitterly. "Where do you think? She does this every time." I spat and Rhaenyra sighed. "She wants to see him." She said as she struggled down the hallway.

"Now?" He asked in disbelief and Rhaenyra gave him a knowing look. "I will go with you." He nodded as he got his answer and stands on the other side of the Princess. "I should hope so." She said. "Let me take him." He said and she shakes her head. "No, she'll get no such satisfaction from me." Rhaenyra said and Laenor looks at me with begging eyes. "She won't budge, I've already tried." I said and he sighed. "Just take my arm, at the least." He said and as always, Rhaenyra was being stubborn.

"I'll need help keeping you up right. So stop being a pain and hold his arm." I said and she gives me a pouted look before doing what I've asked. "Thank you." I smiled and she rolled her eyes in response. "Was it terribly painful?" He asked and Rhaenyra and I collectively glared at him. "Oh gods." Rhaenyra mumbles when we walk in a hall full of people. "I'm going to kill her." I said and Laenor laughs light as we walk through the crowd. "I took a lance through the shoulder once." Laenor says. "My deepest sympathies." She said sarcastically making me laugh.

"I am glad I am not a woman." He said as we kept steady towards the staircase. "My Princess. My lord." Many said to the three of us as we passed them. When we finally get to the bottom of the stairs, Rhaenyra stops and begins to moan in pain. "What is it?" I asked concerned and she just shakes her head. I swear the stubbornness in the people I love is bound to kill me soon. "What is it?" Laenor asked her again and she took a deep breath before raising her head up. "Fuck. Walk. Walk!" She said and we both sighed and followed her demand.

"What can she possibly want?" He muttered angrily. "What she always wants. To show her power." I said and he shakes his head. "I thought we were pass this." He said and i nodded. "So did I." I said as he and I glanced at each other. Making it to the second stair case i see a friendly and familiar face. "Princess, Ser Laenor, it is a privilege to be among the first to congratulate you." Lord Caswell said and I smiled softly. "Thank you, lord Caswell." Rhaneyra said giving her best smile. "If I may be of any service." He said. "The day may yet come, my Lord." She said.

We continued up the stairs till Rhaenyra came to a sudden stop making me even more anxious. "My love?" I asked softly. "I'm okay." She says leaning into me. "We are turning back, all right? She can come to us." He said and i agreed. "I will drag her by her crown if I must." I said and she shook her head, no. "No. Not unless you wish to carry me down those fucking stairs." She snapped and I rolled my eyes. "You are a pain." I said looking at her in the eye. "That why you love me, now walk." She said and I smiled slightly before helping her make it to the top.

TIKTOK: mywattpadworld11

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