•2• Against all odds •2•

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The golden guard? Count me in!

Y/n's p.o.v

The titan has big plans for me...
The titan had big plans for me...

UGH!! What could that mean??

I looked up from a pile of books I got from the castle's library.

The first few nights after the rescue I slept perfectly well. But the more time passed, the more this sentence infested my consciousness.

I was worried, ecstatic...
What does the mighty titan want from me? What is my destiny?
How will I serve the emperor and the titan the most perfectly?

I couldn't sleep because of it, so I decided to do some research. I didn't learn anything new, though. The only person who can speak to the titan is the emperor, and I only know what he told me.
End of story.

There's nothing to it right now.
So why can't I just go back to sleep...?

A light knock on my door got me back to my senses.
Who could this be at this hour...?

I slowly opened the door, preparing to put my mask on if it was a superior.
It was Raine.
The best superior.

We mouthed words to each other, not wanting to wake anyone up, since Raine shouldn't even be here.

I mouthed with a big smile.

They mouthed back.

What a nice surprise!

Can I come in?
They asked for permission.

Of course, of course.
I moved out of the way and let them inside, then closed the door.

"Everyone in the castle is talking about a certain beginning scout~!"
Rains slightly sang.

"Is that so...?"
I scratched the back of my neck, embarrassed.
People are talking... about ME?

"Yup! Congratulations! Eight scouts? And against Hooty? Wow-Wie!!"

"Oh wow, it's name is hooty... how fitting."
I mumbled, shivering just at the thought of this friendly-sounding hell's creature.

"And actually, it was seven scouts and Lilith. The eighth ran to the castle and told us what happened so I went."

"That's even better! I tell you, other coven leaders are mind blown about the fact that you did it without magic. But I always knew you were awesome and capable, of course."
Raine chuckled.

"Pff- Raine... you are embarrassing me..."

"Oh Titan, appreciate a compliment from time to time! You deserve it."
They sighed.

"Oh, by the way, I am not supposed to tell you this, BUTTTTT...!!"

"Yeah? What is it?"
I was immediately invested.

"The emperor is planing to send the golden guard on special missions soon. You know what that means?"
They told me.

"He'll need a group? An elite group of scouts! I'm going to try out for the golden guard's-"

"SHHHH! Don't say it so loud!"
Raine cut me off.
"But indeed, so prepare for the official announcement, eh?"

"Oh, I surly will."
I grinned.

"Well, I have to go now.
Our shifts start soon."

"Bye, Raine! Thank you for everything."

"Of course, Y/n. Good luck."

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now