•24• Where's Luz? •24•

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Y/n's p.o.v

Another flash burned at my eyes and I felt that I was thrown against a cold floor.

Wait, it's warm now.
...how long have I been here...?

"...Miss Lilith?"
I heard Amity mumble.
I pulled myself up.

Beside me, my friends were waking up together from that weird nightmare limbo we were stuck in. We all were still slightly loopy, but it didn't take Hunter too long to find my hand.
"Is everyone okay...?"
I mumbled out.

Gus screamed, making all of us completely awake and on high alert.

It was only then that I noticed the strange design on the wall. No- the people organised on the walls as if the were mere toys.

"This must be the Archives..."
Willow noted and stood up.

I shivered at the thought the maybe, just a few moments ago, we were just like these dolls.

Gus exclaimed.
"Willow, help me get her down."

While the two grabbed their palisman,
Hunter and I stood up as well.
I scanned the walls, trying to find any familiar faces.
I saw a few coven heads, and I was filled of hope to find Raine. Maybe even Darius.
Sadly, none of them were here.

Amity stopped us, looking worried.
"Where's Luz?"

"Something's definitely wrong. Is it just me or the sky looks greener than usual?"
Hunter pointed out.

When we all looked up, thousands of lights entered from the ceiling.

I smiled.
This must be Luz, sending light glyphs to wake everyone up in here.
My smile faltered when the lights just passed by, not effecting anyone.

I felt a pit in my stomach.
Hunter squeezed my hand, while his other worryingly grasped at his heart.
O-Oh no...
This can't be good...

"What is this...?"
Amity whispered.

No, no, we need to think rationally.
Luz is not a magical witch or creature.
She won't pass on just like... just like Flap did. This must be something else.

"Camila? Camila, can you hear us?"
Willow asked as she and Gus took the puppet. Fresh tears were running down the wooden cheeks.

Gus hurried to draw a light glyph to wake her up.
"She's waking up!"

"Wha…what's happening? Where's Luz?"
Camila set up.

We shouldn't be so quick to assume that Luz might be... might be...

"We don't know. She is still out there somewhere."
I insisted, while everyone else's face dropped.

What if she is truly gone, and I'm just being the oblivious positive person?

The ground shook for a moment, and rubble fell down from the walls.
Ugh, something BIG is happening out there and we are just STUCK in here!

Amity tried to form a shield, but her abomination goo failed and dropped down into a puddle.
"What's wrong with my magic?"

"Can't you tell? You're exhausted. You all are! None of you have gotten rest in days."
Camila said jn sympathy.

[Bruh they literally just woke up but okay-]

"But what can we do? We can't leave everyone like this."
Willow looked at all the puppets around us.

"And what about Luz?"
Hunter worried.

"Luz is a NOCEDA."
Camila announced proudly.
"You know what that means? It means she's way too stubborn to let any of this get her down."

She is such a brave mother.
Hopping into another world to help us when she didn't have to.
And now, when her daughter might be in danger, I can't blame her for brushing off a few tears of worry.

"She'll be okay,"
She added, trying to convince not only us, but herself.

Camila shuffled in her pockets, finding a pencil and a notepad.
"In the meantime, I think I know how we can help, even without your magic."

I looked at the hundreds of dolls.
If the ground starts shaking, we'll need to keep them steady. Or rather, bring them all down before it happens.

"How can you NOT convince me that drawing perfect circles is a human superpower?!"
Hunter complained, pointing at Camila's glyphs. Honestly, it's impressive. She did a great job memorising all of them.

I giggled, ruffling Hunter's hair.
"Let's re-organise this dollhouse, shall we?"

"Let's do this,"
He nodded, kissing my hand before we split apart.
Camila handed us a few glyphs as we passed by.

Something in me was excited.
Finally, after all these years, I am using magic. Even though my constant worry for Luz, Eda, King, Darius and especially Raine made a pit on my stomach, I couldn't help but smile a little.

I used an ice glyph to climb up towards the puppet of past coven head Lilith.
I never really saw her since my first mission.

She looked so different now, ignoring the doll features. Her hair was not dark, long and straight, but rather red, short and curly. Black hair fit her perfectly, but I suppose it was fake. She is rocking that new hairstyle, though.

I took her in my arms and safely slipped down the ice piller before it melted.

More rubble fell down, throwing Gus off his staff. He stopped the fall and safely landed with the puppet, while Hunter quickly saved the palisman.

I panicked as we felt the whole archive going up.

"Hurry! Secure everyone in place!"
Camila ordered, throwing plant glyphs at us. The papers flew aimlessly in the air. I managed to catch one and put a large vine in front of the Hexide teachers dolls so they won't fall down.

"Shouldn't we wake everyone up with the light glyph?"
Willow asked, dodging rubble.

"It'll make things worse,"
Hunter pointed out while trying not to lose balance.
"We can't have hundreds of panicked, powerless witched who don't know how to use glyphs in the middle of a collapsing castle!"

"He's right. They'll be safe this way."
Amity agreed.

Back to work, I guess...

A whole new person ~Hunter x reader [The Owl House] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now